Michael C. LaBossiere profile picture

Michael C. LaBossiere

A good man does nothing for the sake of appearance, but for the sake of doing right.

About Me

I'm a guy from Maine who went to school in Ohio and ended up in Florida.

By disposition and profession , I am a philosopher. I suspect it began when I was a child. According to my parents, I was constantly asking questions-even more so than usual. I also loved reading at an early age-so much so that if I was bad (which was, of course, almost never...) my punishment was that I could not read before going to sleep. Apparently I also had a thing for mud puddles. Fortunately, I outgrew that. My curiosity and love of reading remain. Okay, I admit it-I am still drawn to running through puddles.

Professionally I am a philosophy professor at Florida A&M University . I started teaching there in the Fall of 1993 and greatly enjoy my choice of careers. I teach a wide variety of classes that range from Aesthetics (theories of art and beauty) to Theory of Knowledge. My course pages are here .

Naturally, I do a great deal of writing. My latest book, What Don't You Know? hit the shelves in May, 2008. I write regularly for the Philosophers' Magazine and have a philosophy blog. I also have numerous academic publications but I will not bore you with them here,

In addition to my love of wisdom, I have a great love of running. I started running at the age of fifteen. I tried out for the basketball team, but sucked badly. The coach told me that the track team had to take anyone and suggested that I become a runner. It was a great choice. I ran in high school and then ran in college. I got rather good-I was All Conference in my Junior and Senior years. I kept running in grad school and ran in the US Olympic team trials for the Marathon. I didn't make the team, but it was great running with some of the best American runners. I'm still an avid runner and a member of the Gulf Winds Track Club .

I also enjoy the martial arts, specifically tae kwon do. I started training in grad school at Ohio State and still practice today. I enjoy the physical and mental training. Plus, hitting a punching bag is a great way to burn off stress. That makes it possible to survive meetings.

I started gaming (Dungeons & Dragons) when I was 15. I fell in love with the idea of creating worlds and stories and ended up writing professionally for several game companies. I still game as hobby. Some of my work is posted here . Yes, gaming is for nerds-I freely accept my nerdtastic ways.

I also enjoy computer and console gaming. I've played all the classics (Doom, Quake, Diablo, Diablo II, Command & Conquer, Halo, Halo 2, Warcraft, Half Life, Half Life Two, Temple of Apshai, Time Pilot, and so many more). I am not obsessed with games-I like the sun and outdoor world far too much. Reality is still much better than virtual reality.

I am very fond of animals and have two cats (Ash & Zax) and a hyper husky (Isis). Isis and I are regular visitors to the San Luis Dog Park. She's well known there-I'm just the guy who brings her to see her friends and fans.

Like most Americans, I love politics. Politically I do not really fit into any neat category. In some things, I am probably conservative (for example, I believe in fiscal responsibility) and in others I'm rather radical. In practice I'm for small, responsible government that serves the good of the people and does not engage in evil actions. In theory I am an anarchist and dislike all forms of oppressive authority.

I have an odd sense of humor and am willing to inflict it on people. Here is an example of my sense of humor.
When people call me to sell me things and they annoy me, I have found the following tactics are useful:
1. If it is a woman, then I ask her what she is wearing. Hell, some guys pay per minute for that sort of thing. :)
2. I try to sell them some new service or product I just made up (Quantum Dust Busters or Ontological Oatmeal, for example).
3. I try to convert them to a new religion, such as the Church of Truth & Darkness.
4. I put my husky on the phone.
5. I tell them I cannot hear them over the voices screaming in my head.
6. I switch to a made up language- "Kubork dugu oplento mongho?"
7. I start singing old 1980s rock classics.
8. I put the phone by the toilet and flush repeatedly.
9. I start telling stories about when I was a kid.
10. I pretend I've died.

Yes, I'm like that.

I am mostly on Myspace to stay in touch with friends and to engage in shameless self-promotion for my book .

My Interests

Running, writing, hiking, technology, politics, conversation, silence, reading, watching movies, museums, art, science, history, philosophy, literature, pie, and more running.

I'd like to meet:

    Fellow runners: I generally run with my husky, but human beings are good company, too. If you are a runner, you should check out Gulf Winds Track club .It is an excellent group of runners. There are many local races as well as social events put on by the club. Fellow Gamers: I play traditional tabletop games (D&D, Call of Cthulhu, Risk, Axis & Allies, etc) and computer games. Yes, I am an old school dork. I've even written professionally for gaming companies. Dog/pet People: I have a husky and two cats. I like pets and tend to like people who like animals in general and dogs & cats in particular. I often go to the San Luis Dog park. To get there, drive down Ocala to Tharpe. Take a left on Tharpe. Then take a left onto San Luis. The park is on the left side of San Luis Road. Park in the parking area and cross one of the two bridges. The dog park is the big fenced in area. Most people who go there are reasonably cool. Fellow Outdoor People: I like to hike and do other outdoor stuff and often like people who share that interest. Smart & Witty People: I greatly enjoy the company of people who are smart and witty. Unless they are really evil. Then not so much. Old Friends/Fellow Alumni: People I know but have lost touch with. People who went to the sames schools that I attended (Old Town High School, Marietta College, and the Ohio State University). Interesting People: Anyone who does not fit the above categories but is otherwise interesting.
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Classic rock, classic music, jazz, and some top 40. Examples include: REM, Green Day, Eagles, Rolling Stones, Coldplay, Pink Floyd, Moody Blues, Red Hot Chili Peppers,Black Eyed Peas, Pearl Jam, INXS, AC/DC, Goo Goo Dolls, Nickleback, Five for Fighting, ELO, Procul Harum, and Jethro Tull.


Bladerunner, Princess Bride, Alien, Aliens, The Time Machine (original), The Haunting (original), The Legend of Hell House, Raising Arizona, Buckaroo Banzai, Excalibur, Lord of the Rings, The Fifth Element, Shape of Things to Come, The Thing (Original & the Carpenter remake), Bad Taste, 2001, Predator, Robocop, Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy, Monty Python & the Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Meaning of Life, African Queen, Big Fish, Star Trek II, The Terminator, The Matrix, Blazing Saddles, Airplane, An American Werewolf in London, Pulp Fiction, Galaxy Quest,Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Shaun of the Dead, Mulan, The Lion King, the Little Mermaid, Dogma, and many more.


Star Trek, Star Trek NG, Star Trek DS9, Babylon 5, Doctor Who, The History Channel, the Sci-Fi channel, Venture Brothers, Adult Swim, Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Galactica, Monty Pythons Flying Circus, Chapelle Show, Hunting with Dick Cheney.


Way too many to list...In philosophy: the works of Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Confucius, Leibniz, Locke, Hume, Berkeley, and many more. In fiction: the works of Cordwainer Smith, Tolkien, Dietz, Zelazney, Herbert, Heinlein, Asimov, Lovecraft, and many more.



My Blog

Real Americans

Most Americans are currently angry and worried about the state of the country. But, the questions arises: are these people real Americans? Sarah Palin recently raised the issue of whether all so-calle...
Posted by Michael C. LaBossiere on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 12:58:00 PST

Redistribution of Wealth

As I noted in the previous post, McCain has tried to brand Obama with being a socialist. One aspect of this attack is that McCain claims that Obama wishes to redistribute the wealth. Given what Obama ...
Posted by Michael C. LaBossiere on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 04:23:00 PST

Scary Socialism

The American left and the right have their key fear words that they trot out to scare voters. For the right, one word is "socialism." McCain, having backed away a bit from trying to paint Obama as fri...
Posted by Michael C. LaBossiere on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 04:16:00 PST

Racism & Apologies

Given the survey results regarding Obama and McCain, the best evidence seems to show that race is not a major factor for most Americans. I obviously would not say that we have "transcended" race or th...
Posted by Michael C. LaBossiere on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 11:53:00 PST

The Leadership Lid?

Anna Quindlen recently wrote an article about the leadership lid. Her thesis is that America is making an error in not using her greatest natural resources: women leaders. I found much to agree with i...
Posted by Michael C. LaBossiere on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 02:54:00 PST

Open Office 3.0 Out

Open Office, a free alternative to Microsoft Office, is now at version 3.0. I've been using Open Office for quite some time now and like it. While it is not as polished as Microsoft Office, it is free...
Posted by Michael C. LaBossiere on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 09:46:00 PST

The Cycle of Outrage

Being a successful politician requires being able to take an emotional posture. In recent elections, one key emotional posture is that of outrage. Something will trigger a posture of outrage and this ...
Posted by Michael C. LaBossiere on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 05:27:00 PST

Is the Real McCain Coming Back?

The campaign has taken some nasty turns lately. The crowds at Republican events have contained a few very angry an hateful people-some of whom have called for Obama's death. McCain himself was recentl...
Posted by Michael C. LaBossiere on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 03:59:00 PST

Racism, Hatred & The Campaign

American politics is no stranger to negative ads, anger, hatred and racism. However, I had been hoping that were were moving away from that sort of evil. However, the Republican campaign has been stir...
Posted by Michael C. LaBossiere on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 06:05:00 PST

Painting Tips

Back when I was an undergrad, I was a freelance house painter in the summers. I learned a lot about painting-mainly that back then it did not pay very well. These days, painters are somehow able to de...
Posted by Michael C. LaBossiere on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 11:50:00 PST