Munchkin profile picture


It's good to be a Munchkin!

About Me

Woooo-Hoooo!! I'm 1 year old now! That makes me 7 in people years! ;) I'm definitely single! Girls scare me! I guess I'll discover what all that's about one day. :) Hmmmmm....I like to pester my mom and dad to death until they play with me, beg for treats, chew my mom's sandals and run around like a crazy dog. I don't like getting a bath but I always want in the shower when anyone is in there. When I am still for a few minutes, it has to be in someone's lap. I can't stand for my mom or dad to be out of my sight when they're home so I follow them wherever they go. the computer...on the doesn't matter, as long as I can be near them. I'm a nosy little guy too. Nothing, and I mean, NOTHING gets by me! If I see a bug, I eat it...if someone comes too close to the door, I bark and scare them away...if a toy needs to be destroyed, I'm all over it.

My Interests

New toys, chasing lizards, any bite of food I can get out of anyone, fetching my ball, running outside at top speed so that my dad can't catch me, going bye-bye, waking my mom or dad up every morning and standing over them until they give me my morning scratchies, jumping on my mom's leg while she's on the computer cause she's not paying me attention, humping my green bear, car rides, motorcycle rides, giving lots of kisses, fruit and veggie bites, sleeping and rolling in the grass.

I'd like to meet:

I love people but I still need to work on meeting more four-legged friends.


Not really interested in it unless it's the sweet sound of my squeaky toys, the can opener or the plastic coming off a string cheese wrapper.




Sometimes Animal Planet




Definitely my Daddy! I can't get enough of him! I love it when he spoils me rotten with "scratchies" and calls me his "Little Fire Puppy"!