I aM haLf FiL, halF Am! BorN iN thE 'Ol bOuLevARd Of bEvErlY HiLls. ReaLly TirEd of Being aSked iF i See tHe CaSt oF tHe Show! TotAlly rUinS mY daY! a ModeL bUt nOt iNto it AnyMore... i StiLl triP onCe in AwhiLe. LmaO! ^_ i LiKe giRls anD beIng prOud abOut It. i WriTe iN jOurnAls. CurreNtLy iNvolVeD in mOveMent RouTing For sAmE sEx mArriAge aNd iS cuRreNtlY worKing On a ReSearcH paPer for saMe-sEx relAtiOnshIp.
My Interests
alcohol, bar hopping, clubbing, dancing, filipino, hardcore, lesbian, music, sex and the city, singing, videos