God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Yes, I do love GOD. He is my source of existence and my Savior. He keeps me functioning each and every day Without Him, I am nothing, but with Him....I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13)It is interesting to notice how some minds seem almost to create themselves, springing up under every disadvantage, and working their solitary but irresistible way through a thousand obstacles***~Washington Irving~Chances are THERE IS STILL a CHANCE! I still believe in our people
Call me a dreamer but WE CAN CHANGE the Country we LIVE IN!..
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Outdoors (WATER!!), music, dance, spirituality (GOD), writing and reading poetry, good books, fashion design, politics, community activism. Things that make me grow and feel good!!
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I'd like to meet:
I would love to meet...
Believers!, Enthusiasts, risk takers, life lovers, dream chasers, humorists, HUSTLERS, leaders!!! Enrichment takes place when we surround ourselves with what we value...I have no doubt about that!!! I want to meet people who are eager to grow and challenge themselves! I also really want to meet people who are taking a stand in our society against oppression, racism, classism, and all the pollutants we face!! I want to meet people who can contribute to my growth and learn from mine.....
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PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, Malcolm X, Babel, Blood Diamond, , Love Jones, A day without a Mexican, Scent of a Woman, Rize, Crash, Spanglish, House on the lake, Ms. Congeniality, Love & Basketball, A Walk In The Clouds, Happy Feet, My Family, Forrest Gump, Napoleon Dynamite, and Like Water for Chocolate.
TV Kills Your Brain Cells- LOL!!!! Seriously!!!! At least that's how my mom deterred me from it!!!LOL!!
No TV but lost and lots of MUSIC AND BOOKS!!;)
The book of life: BIBLE, A Different Mirror-Ronald Takaki, Battlefield of The Mind- Joyce Meyer,How to be your Best when you are Feeling your Worst- Cacey Treat, Rain of Gold-Victor VillaSenor, The Autobiography of Malcolm X- Alex Hailey....oooh the list gets long, just ask! :)
THE LORD!!! MY ONE AND ONLY HERO!People I admire...My mother for putting up with all the craziness in the world for her children while remaining the most kind woman I have ever known, I wish I knew how she does it, my father whom I never really appreciated until I learned as a parent what sacrifice means. Malcolm X and Cesar Chavez for having the strenght/courage to stand up for those who needed to be woken up, for transforming the minds of people like me...My heroes are people who in the past or present have stood up for the dignity and rights of other human beings. They have faced adversity often at the cost of their lives, and have died in pride. My heroes are what I strive to live up to.