Braindance Collective is a music resource. Browse through and listen to music brewing from all over the globe. Add yourself to the mix and leave a comment on your project. Sharing music, art, ideas, and general rantings in the related musical area. Posting respectfully sized info about artists and music. No fashion ads please. Be excellent and have a listen.{{{ forum and bulletins }}}
To discover amazing music. Somewhat along the ideas of: 'Braindance', 'Industrial', 'IDM', 'Dub', 'Experimental', 'Ambient', 'Glitch', 'Noise', 'Jazz variations', 'Jam' or '???' . Mental percussion. live or hand sequenced. 'Techno' offspring. Group members are implored to share the music they love and/or create. A great place to network with connections in this field. Bring it{{{ braindance forum and bulletins }}}..
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." -HST
ears, sound, waves, vibrations, noise, rhythm, time, cadence, flow, measure, meter, emphasis, enunciation, force, inflection, intonation, modulation, pitch, pronunciation, rhythm, stroke, timbre, tonality, tone,