not chemistry as ive failed it, after 3 years i am extreamly intrested in how they get the boat in the bottle i injoy disney songs i partake in soccer (and need groopies)
my maker
in alphibetial order Acid Bass be bob celtic classical rock cult dance a small amount of death metal - when in angery mood DISNEY easy listening - waves and dolphins and shit folk - only lord of the dance ( went to see it live with lyden, feet of fury rocks!!) some gothic (not goth rock, goth rock suckes) hard rock house industural metal power ballards rock SKA - check out skankin pickles trance tribal
shrek believe it or not most of the "masuclun" disny films last samuri FREDDIE GOT FINGERD Cky's starship troopers BUTTERFLY EFFECT and GOTHICA (accept the basis that both films are built on pedofilia i do not condone it, sorry if i gave the films away) are two of the best films ever Roots
stargate simpson family guy amercian dad futurama king of the hill south park top gear
lord of the rings (and all affilicated books) sword of shannera (and all affilated books) three kingdoms - best of all time general terry prachet
theres superman batman spiderman cat women and many other heros i am sorry for not mentioning which keep our world a safe place