C. O. & C-Note Production$ is OFFICIAL!!!!!Ok this is C. O. born Eric Jackson my home Slidell La. right above New Orleans , as a youngin it was all about sports B-Ball & Football then after graduating I hit the road to Georgia, it must have been sumthin in the air cause rollin with a local DJ had me gone when it came to music. From that point it was on...There I was as soon as I came I was back to Slidell but with me was somethin I didnt leave with, a Passion & Love I had never had. Since then by the grace of the Lord & the aid of some loyal homies I've been doin this muzik for bout 5yrs. As of recent Im in Houston Tx. rockin solo but still doin me & tts been good so far but im always drivin to improvement progress & growth ya kno thats how it gotta B NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS.As A Producer---Ima a Producer whos beats bring feeling to the listener @ 1st then melody & base add the right sound to put you in your zone. Mixed with southern bass heavy tunes obviously taylored to a southern fanbase but twisted with drums & breakdowns that the North East & West Coast must respect.As A Rapper---It came together slowly but surely, Attitude, Charisma, Originality, Style...My Swag was born. Hearing everyone else, observing & learning from others mistakes have made me the person I am today witch is C.O."I keep it 100, I aint gotta B A gangsta, but as long as I'm real I can never B A Wanksta"-Bar from "Get'emMy Hip-Hop/R&B style comes to me naturally so its easy cause its in my nature to be on my game, 10 miles above the clouds, it appeals to the ladies & the fellas just alike. Im not A "Hes Just Another" that aint me when it comes to rappin or producing I'm On Top & Refuse To Be Told Any Different!! I've had my own share of past situations that allow me to speak from various aspects so the listener can get feel or understand just where I'm commin from & feel me...I know the things I do & the tracks I produce will be the light that gets me & my city the opportunity to shine the way I know we can & we will.FEATURES: Shoot me a note or message & let me know whats what if u need a VERSE, TRACK, ALBUM COVER or whatever.**333**
../I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!