I'm Baby Bruce I am going to be 1 in September, I like watermelon, cantolope, ritz crackers and my dog nephew. I just started walking and I have 4 teeth. The only words I say are, hi daddy, yaya (mommy), I'm good, I did it, nepew, and GamaI AM NOW ONE, THANKS TO ALL THAT MADE THE PARTY I WALK, RUN, I NOW HAVE 9 TEETH. FREE DUBEE AND LITTLE BRUCE. I STILL SAY THE SAME WORDS
My Interests
Member Since: 23/06/2006
Band Members: Jaren, Huston, Alexander, Nephew, and Scully,
Influences: LITTLE BRUCE
my daddy
Sounds Like:
Record Label: THIZZ/highspeed
Type of Label: Indie