I found some really Cute Myspace Layouts at Doobix.com
I found some really Cute Myspace Layouts at Doobix.com
music, people
Bono, Keith Green, Ghandi, Mozart, Mother Theresa, Johnny Cash, Martin Luther, George Washington, Balthazar Hubmeier, Soren Kierkegaard, Walter Rauschenbush, C.S. Lewis, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Moulan Rouge, This Is Spinal Tap, 300, and Casino Royale
The Office, King of Queens, Lost, Seinfeld, Planet Earth
Bible, 'Mere Christianity' - C.S. Lewis, 'Practice In Christianity' - Soren Kierkegaard, 'Christianity and The Social Crisis' - Walter Rauschenbush, "Ethics" - Dietrich Bonhoffer, and 'Why We Can't Wait' - Martin Luther King, Jr.
it's a pretty good T.V. show!