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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i'm that Damnit guy all the 16 year olds in wisconson told you about! i'm a yang without a yin.
i honestly prefer to go out drinking alone, but keep trying to find someone to drink with.
i love cigarettes but i quit smoking, again.
i'm legal to marry you and your significant other but not stable enough for you to return the favor.
i was chicago grown, new orleans distilled, and now i'm seeming way to fucking hollywood for my taste.
i'm 6'2" but i lie at auditions and say 6' even because most actors are shrimps.
& when the thunder storms start increasing over the southeast and south central portions of my apartment,
I get upset
Which Tim Burton character are you?

Lydia Deitz
You're such a dark, angsty teenager.

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What subcategory of Goth best fits you?
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You scored as Death Rocker
You are a Death Rocker. You think beyond the 80s (cause you really like zombies, psychedelia, and B-movies) and are into the colorful, twisted side of the goth culture (which is portrayed in all your lovely horror-rock shows). Click on my name to take my other tests if you liked this one.

Death Rocker




Old-school Goth


Anything-Goes Goth


Ethereal Goth


Perky Goff


Understanding Outsider




Romantic Goth


Fantasy Goth


Confused Outsider

You are The Joker
The Joker 93%
Apocalypse 91%
Magneto 91%
Dr. Doom 88%
Riddler 81%
Lex Luthor 80%
Dark Phoenix 78%
Green Goblin 72%
Catwoman 72%
Juggernaut 68%
Kingpin 62%
Venom 61%
Two-Face 60%
Poison Ivy 60%
Mr. Freeze 57%
Mystique 56% The Clown Prince of Crime. You are a brilliant mastermind but are criminally insane. You love to joke around while accomplishing the task at hand.
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Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
Tom Waits... charismatic story-teller with a penchant for freaky people and unusual settings. You thrive on the concept of the underdog coming out on top.
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jeff klein jeffrey klein jeff klein damnit jeffrey klein damit jeff klein jeffrey klein jeff klein damnit jeffrey klein damnit the damnits the damnit's

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I don't know. I'll tell you when I find her! Why? Do you have whiskey?


My Blog


Hey guys, i'm being brought in to give a corporate party down there in NOLA some character.....and characters. i need a handful of you and/or your friends to show of your look and more important...
Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 21:18:00 GMT

Gone Daddy Gone: The end of Big Daddy's i miss this place!
Posted by on Fri, 09 Jan 2009 23:22:00 GMT

Fuck Santa X-mas Party!

Go to ImageShack&174; to Create your own Slideshow
Posted by on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 23:59:00 GMT

Some Old Dome Room Shots I Found!

Damn I miss That Club! Never been anywhere better and I've been around!!! ;-) Made possible by Kristen's Whiskey Sours!
Posted by on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 14:58:00 GMT


......are there to burn.never let them follow you without walking with you!fuck 'em!kiss your friends, kill the loiterers waiting/hiding behind 'em!kisses,jDamnitp.s. who wants to go shooting today?;-...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 04:59:00 GMT

once again, you females come through for me! :-/

after my whole, "we can watch a movie but i'm not fucking you for the sake of fucking you", talk that i seem to have to have toooooooo damn often,(and i probably would have if she hung till the end of...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 06:32:00 GMT

Ladies, do you wanna get laid? (pissed off damnit inside)

well then go to a god damn bar at last call!there's plenty of miscellaneous cock at your disposal and all you have to do is bat your eyelashes and ask for it!don't go out with a guy you've talk to on ...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 02:21:00 GMT

if my life was a movie this is the soundtrack/picked by fate

So many people have posted this that I just finally gave in!IF YOUR LIFE WERE A MOVIE, WHAT WOULD THE SOUNDTRACK BE?So, here's how it works:1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, et...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 19:29:00 GMT

upon a star

the weirdest and best thing happened while driving some girl home from a party.i saw a shooting star and i said, "i wish......"i couldn't finish my statement.i really had nothing to ask for ...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 04:01:00 GMT


Hey there, do you know what happens after youplant the seed of a Chinese Bamboo Tree? Nothing.That's right. Absolutely nothing. For 4 yearsafter planting the seed of this tree you get nosatisfaction o...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 15:30:00 GMT