First Name: kristi
Middle Name: lynn
Birthday: june 11th
Eyes: hazel
Hair: brown
Fav color: blue
Day/Night: night
Fave Food: chinese
Do you ever wish you had another name? nope
Do you like anyone? i love matt!
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? noone acts like me ..duh.
Who's the loudest? me
Who have you known the longest of your friends? ronnie
Who's the shyest: i dont have friends that are shy lol
Are you close to any family members? my dad
When you cried the most: when my grampa died
What's the best feeling in the world: being truly happy
Worst Feeling: being sad
Let's walk on the: water
Let's run through: fields
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: ass
Where did all the: good presidents go?
Why can't you: shut the hell up?
Silly, little: girl
Tell me: that you love me
Ran away from home: yes
Pictured your crush naked: yes
Skipped school: yes
Broken someone's heart: once
Been in love: i am right now.
Cried when someone died: yes of course.
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: ohhh YES.
Done something embarrassing: for sure
Done a drug: too many... but not no more.
Cried in school: hell no.. i made ppl
Your Good Luck Charm: the ring on my finger
Person You Hate Most: i dont hate anyone
Best Thing That Has Happened: meeting matt.. my baby.
Ice Cream: cookie dough and moose tracks.. mm
WHO Makes you laugh the most: my dad or matt
Makes you smile: everyone.. i love to smile
Has A Crush On You: a few peeps that im not saying
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: matt..its not a crush no more tho.. its real.
Fallen for your best friend?: yes but then he became gay!! boo hoo.
Made out with JUST a friend?: of course
Kissed two people in the same day?: yes
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: no
Been rejected: . yes
Been in love?: yes i am
Been used?: yup too much.
Done something you regret?: yes
Cheated on someone?: yes but only because they cheated on me
Been called a tease: oh for sure.
You touched?: matt
You talked to on the phone?: brandy
You hugged?: matt
You instant messaged?: stacey
You kissed?: matt
You yelled at?: noone
Who text messaged you?: noone
Who broke your heart?: jason
Who told you they loved you?: matt and a few others
Walk Away - Kelly Clarkson
|Besides kelly id like to meet snoop dogg..ride in the snoop deville lol.. as if.
linkin park, sugarcult, yellowcard, mudvayne, disturbed, kelly clarkson, mariah,snoop,rap r&b anything besides country.. that sucks.. but i like pretty much anything i can sing or dance to..kristi
92% Compatible
♥ kristi and matt have been romantically-together for awhile now, indicating a degree of compatibility. Similar personality descriptions are a plus. Their shared faith will help form a bond between them. The fact that kristi smokes could be an issue. They both drink, so there is no incompatibility there. They are also both gamers. Both are also sports fans, and that can bring people together. Their astrological signs are in harmony, which is a plus. They share a favorite season, and that is good. Their common love of animals is another good thing. And their views on children are similar. The fact that both kristi and matt are rather dominant reduces compatibility, since opposites in this area attract. Overall, kristi and matt are highly compatible. They are capable of having a beautiful relationship together. ♥
The Dating Compatibility Test by Dating Diversions
friday, the wash, exorcism of emily rose, resident evil 1 & 2, super troopers, the ring 2, the war of the worlds, the mothman prophecies, a clockwork orange, trainspotting, natural born killers, scarface, stir of echoes, stigmata.. any horror or B movie lol.
Hosted at
Hosted at
Hosted at
House, cold case files, most haunted, 24, sopranos, absolutely fabulous, forensic files, dirty jobs lol.
anything by richard laymon, stephen king and anne rice.
my grandfather.. eugene. He battled with cancer and didnt lose his faith.. i love you and i miss you with all of my heart and i will see you when i get to heaven.. R.I.P. grampa.. sept 2005.