Hood Boy Ent. Mr. Lick profile picture

Hood Boy Ent. Mr. Lick

About Me

Thank you god for givin me tha voice of my struggle to connect with people all over that feel like thay tha only ones that go threw it, ur boy Mr.Lick got ur back...Now Wat it do world? 1st off i would like to thank my kids for givin mr a reason to want to get off my ass and do sumthin u dig. Now i would like to introduce myself This ur boy Mr.Lick here to drop it to let yall know a lil about where i came 4rm. Naples Tx tha gutta you dig never had shit still don't that's real talk nothin false about me you dig. I cum 4rm tha same shit some of you did a broken up home and you force to tha streets to get it on your own, so already i know most of you feelin a nigga, cuz we came 4rm tha same problems and wen you hear my music i'm speakin our life. This rap shit is not a game wit me cause it was a way out for me to escape 4rm tha trouble in my life. Man it's that simple bro it's real wit me i've been doin this 4 a min. and it's really startin 2 pay off, Hood Boy ent put a nigga in tha booth and now we makin it happin'. I'm workin on a mixtape Ground Move Vol. 1 gutta and raw wit niggas outta True Crew,Big Shots,D.A.S, n my niggas outta Hood Boy Ent. That's all i got to say my music will do tha rest...Wat it do pat and mikey keep ur headz up baby make it happin and wat's up World Slab City, Trap Texas, n Tha 903 support ur boy i want let you down i promise...I c u Redd i love you bro,meka,pig,mama,ricky hill,b.a.,j.j.,d.t.,e.t.,tori,atori,bianca,slab princess,hump,korwin key,marcus key,cody roy,larry,phillip,ahmad,nate,chris,t-man,kim,colby,ears,tolb y,dez,koko.ken,mike jones,pooh,mike hill,nard,bone, and tha rest of my fam...R.I.P Big Momma i miss and love you......

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My Interests


Member Since: 22/06/2006
Band Members: Mr. Lick,Big Hood,K.I. Tha LockSmith,Ya Boy Hood,T.A., and Lil Fame
Influences: Tha Greats That Eva did it...
Sounds Like: Real Shit Raw and Gudda
Record Label: HOOD BOY ENT.

My Blog

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