My Kind
My Goddess
Erin Go Braugh!
-Because I will forever be there for MySelf when all chips are down and everyone fades away [if they choose to].
. My Sister .
-You have been with me thru thick and thin since we were lil lasses. You know me inside and out, and I am grateful for how you know exactly what to say when you know I am off balance. You are amazing to me. I love you beyond measure and will stick by your side to the very end, just as you have done for me. I love you with all my heart.
. My SoulBrother .
-You have been my angel thru the darkest parts in my life. Right from the start you were there when I needed you most. You never judge me, always allow me to experience life my way without any judgment what-so-ever, and most importantly, you believe in me, trust in my heart, and encourage me to follow my heart thru the fear so that I may find the joy I long for. You... are one of the best gifts Ive been blessed with this lifetime. I love you deeply, dear brother... I love how you shine, I love how you are... no other words can express the profound sense of calm happiness I have in me for you and because of you.
[...and I thank you...]
. Jim Classic .
-I must put you here because without you I wouldnt have had the courage or nudge to place my foot upon the path of self-worth. It was you who forced me to look at myself and realize [and admit] what a kickass chick I am. I am deeply grateful to you for this. XOXO to you, babe.
. Alison .
-My god, you are by far... the most head-strong woman I know. And while this is sometimes a pain in the ass, I find it to be one of your best qualities. You, have become one of my closest and best friends... I truly thank you for the way you have stood by me, the way we keep learning from one another, and the way your mind continues to amaze me. I love you deeply, lil sis.
. Felix .
-Finally, you dear... You may not think you are anything special, but to me...youre amazing. You have a strength in you that is so calming...so hidden and true. This plus many others are the reasons I cherish you so much. You know me inside and out, almost to the point of it being scary, but I am deeply honored to have someone know me the way you do. You have never judged me, you may mis-understand me, but you never judge me... and I thank you for this. You always find a way to make me smile, and never let me get away with keeping shit bottled inside. No words can describe how safe I feel knowing you are a part of me. I love you deeply, thank you for everything.