You Are 76% Brutally Honest
Most of the time, you tell it like it is. Even if it's hard for people to hear.
Sometimes you hold back though, because you never want your honesty to be hurtful.
How Brutally Honest Are You?
Your Passion is Purple!
You've got a ton of passion, but you don't always wear it on your sleeve.
If something truly excites you, you let your inner intensity shine through.
But otherwise, your passion tends to morph into energy ... which you never lack.
You're a balanced woman, knowing when to turn on the fire in your heart.
What Color is Your Passion?
Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover
You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you!
Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter.
You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you.
You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable
Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life
By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover.
Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives.
Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours.
No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover.
What Kind of Seducer Are You?
Your True Love Is an Aries
Why you'll love an Aries:
An Aries has the red-hot seduction skills to woo you
Never boring, an Aries will give you the romantic challenge you crave!
Why an Aries will love you:
You have the intensity and energy to go head to head with your Aries...
And the undying passion to keep an Aries coming back for more.
What Sign Is Your True Love?
I love to meet new can never have enough friends. However, the person that I want to met the most is The K.I.N.G. T.I.. To me, he is the most beautiful dude I've ever seen. Yes, I said Beautiful...he looks so good that u gotta call 'em pretty...sayin "He fine" don't get it. MuAhz In Otha words "He can Get It"
?My Space Survey?
Name: Shauntell
Birthdate March 20th 1985...Ima Spring Baby
Birthplace: Nashville, Tenn
Current Location: Spring Hill, Tenn
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde wit sum brown highlights
Height: 5'2
Weight: Umm like 140 or somthin
Zodiac Sign: Picese
Ethnicity: White...Obviously
Favorite Food: Mexican
Favorite Drink: Pepsi..I get it from my momma
(when) Bedtime: Whenever I get tired
Two Favorite Colors: black and red
Favorite Number: 17
Candy: Nah I don't even really eat candy
Favorite Animal: My Puppy..Sadie Ann
Most Missed Memory: My Uncle
Overused Phrase: Boy Stop
What Is Your Current Mood: Happy..It's tha weekend!
First Thought Waking Up: Just 10 more minute's
Weakness: Ummm...We won't get into all that just yet
Fears: I'm only afraid of one person and that's whose above me
Are You In School: I start college in January
Do You Drink: From time to time
Do You Smoke: Yea...Ima quit though
Do You Do Drugs: Nope
Dyed Your Hair: I have before but now I just get it highlighted every once in a while
Tried To Act Perfect: Nah..I have alway's just acted like me...Take me as I am
Skinny Dipped: Yup
Had Sex: Yea
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: Yea
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: Umm Huged..but that's it
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Sure have
Ate Sushi: Eww nope
Love Someone: Yup....always will
Who Do You Love: He know's who he is...that's all that matter's
Looks Or Personality: Now that I have grown up alot..personality
Love or Money: Love
Drugs and/or Alcohol: Alcohol
How Do You Want To Die: Peacefully
What country do you want to Visit: Paris
Been to the Mall Lately: Yup last Saturday
Do you like Thunderstorms: Hell No
Shower Daily: Of course...and if you don't that's nasty!!
Do you Sing: lol yea right....I try to anyway's though
Do You Like To Dance: Yup..I love it
Do You Wear Make-Up: Most of the time..if I'm not in a hurry to get to work or something
Are You The Romantic Type: Yea
How Easily Do You Trust People: I trust my self and god....that's it
Would You Ever Sky Dive: Maybe
Have You Ever Been Out Of State: Yup
Are You Spoiled: Yea just a lil bit
Do You Have A Cell Phone: Of course...I got too
Do You Have Any Piercings: Yea my ear's and my tounge and belly button
Do You Have Any Tattoos: Yea one on my lower back
Do You Have A Curfew: Nope...I'm 21
Do You Get Annoyed Easily: Yes...very
What Size Shoe Do You Wear: 7 1/2 or 8
Are You A Mom Or Dad's Child: I'ma Momma's girl
Do You Have Any Siblings: Yea..A brother who is 15...he's my world
Do You Like Getting Dirty: It don't bother me...I'm from the south
If You Dyed Your Hair What Color Would It Be: Ummm...brown with some blonde highlights
Do You Cry Alot: Nope...crying get's old after a while
How Many CD's Do You Own: way to many to even try and count
Tell Me Sumthin!!!
Name? U should already know it by now
Who Do u Like? Me...Myself...and I
Fav. Shoe Brand? Jordan's
What's Your Won of your Weeknesses? UmMm...lemme think bout that one
What's Your Won of your Fearers? God
What do u wan't in life? Love and Happiness...Money wouldn't hurt either
Overused Phrase? Boy stop
Fav. Sport? Tha only sport I watch is Football cause I actually understand it
What Sport Do u Play? None...I use too in high school though
What Is ur Zodiac Sign? Picese
Do u Smoke? Yea...I kno I kno it's bad..Ima quit
What Do u Like 2 Drink? Brown Liquor
Do u Swear? Yea..Even though I do try mah best not too
Where Do u Like 2 Sing? LoL...In tha car
Have u Ever Been In Luv? Yup sure have
Do u Plan 2 Ever Get Married? Yea one day when I find Mr. Right
How do u Want 2 Die? Peacefully
Places u Want 2 Visit? Cabo...Paris...South America
What Race do u Like 2 Date? I think that question is obvious..C'mon now
What Do u Want 2 Get Pierced? My nose..but I'm scared it's gonna hurt too bad
Long Term Or Short Term Relationships? Long term..I'm grown and don't have time for game's
Are u Single or Dating? Single for the moment...
What Do u Like About The Oppesite Sex? Eye's and Lip's
Won of your Fav. Colors? Red
Fav. Food? Mexican
Do you prefer a virgin or sumone experience? It doesn't matter cause A person can alway's teach someone else
Bold or with Hair? Hair...Faded up
Tall or Short? Taller then me at least...I mean damn I'm only 5'3
Pictured your crush naked: Umm...nah cause I already seen the real thing
Skipped school: Yup
Broken someone's heart: Yea...Didn't mean too though
Been in love: Yup..True love never die's
Cried when someone died: sure have
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yea..but it would have never worked out so it's a good thing it never got that far
Done something embarrassing: lol aww yea
Done a drug: Ummm I use to get high but that was a while ago other then that nah
Cried in school: Yup
Your Good Luck Charm: My Blue Blankie that i got when I was born that my great grandmother gave to me....R.I.P Granny C
Person You Hate Most: Lord...we won't go there
Best Thing That Has Happened: Being Alive
Ice Cream: Moose Tracks
WHO Makes you laugh the most:
Makes you smile: My brother
Has A Crush On You: UMmm...not sure
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Nah...
Fallen for your best friend?: Nope
Made out with JUST a friend?: Yea
Kissed two people in the same day?: but it's a long story you would understand if i told it to ya
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: WTF? Nah and I hope you haven't either that's just nasty
Been rejected: . Yup
Been in love?: Yup...still am
Been used?: Not that I know of
Done something you regret?: Yup
Cheated on someone?: Yea...not that I'm proud of it though
Been called a tease: Yea
You touched?: Semaj
You talked to on the phone?: My brother
You hugged?: My momma
You instant messaged?: J
I Roll With The Best Nothin' Less Got A Problem With Me -- Solve It Think I'm Trippin' -- Tie My Shoes Can't Stand Me -- Sit Back Down Can't Face Me -- Turn Back Around & I'm The Girl Who Will Bust Out Laughin' In A Dead Silence, Because Of Somethin' That Happened; The Day Before We Improve Our Looks, Not Our Mind Cause We Know Boys Are Dumb; Not Blind Your Only As Strong As; The Alcohol You Drink The Tables You Dance On & The Friends That Hold You Together Fill It Up & Drink It Down. Take A Shot & Do Another Round. Now Lay Me Down To Sleep With An Empty Bottle Of Vodka At My Feet. If I Die Before I Wake; Tell My Girls I Drank It Straight A Friend Takes Your Drink Away When She Thinks You've Had Too Much. But A [BESTFRIEND] Watches You Trippin' Over Your Own Two Feet & Yells "Chug It, Bitch" -Heres To The Nights That Turned Into Mornings & The Friends That Turned Into Family It's Hard To Wait Around For Something You Know Might Never Happen; But It's Even Harder To Give Up When You Know It's Everything You Want All My Girls Get Down On The Floor Back To Back Drop It Down Real Low I'm Such A Lady But I'm Dancing Like A Ho Because You Know What, I Don't Give A Fuck So Here We Go
DO You Remeber your First Time Of Course I do...I hope you do too cause um if not...U was just bein Slutty ya kno??
CONDOMS or Natural Is you crazy?!?! Condom's Mayne...haha I ain't gettin caught up catchin shyt from these duck headed ass dude's out hea
TROJAN OR Lifestyle COndoms? TROJAN....U gotta trust it...but U need's to be on tha pill just in case
Favorite Place To Have Sex In the House? UMmm....tha bed
Would You do it in the CAR Been there...done ain't easy trust me
Have you ever Been Caught by your parents Nah I'm too slick for that shit plus I'm grown now and on mah own
How Many times can you Have sex In a day Maybe like 5
What do you call Sex Sum Cut....Scud...Bumpin uglies
Are you Good At having Sex or are you Avoided by Your Partner Whatcha mean am I good??? haha of course fool...they come back for more every time
Whats the Best position to Have Sex? Me bein on top...only cause I know what I want
Whats your Favorite position? Like I said me bein on top
When do You plan to Have Sex Already have fool
would you have sex in the outdoors Done that too
Do you Pay for sex LoL yea effin right
Do you enjoy sex Yup Yup sure do...but only wit tha person to which I'm in love wit
Would you do it in the shower Done that too
First thought After SEX Where Mah Cig's at??
Do like to Be on the top or Bottom Damn...on top...once again
HEIGHT? Taller then me of course
BIG OR SMALL (LADIES ANSWER) Big....or just right..
NICE FACE OR NICE BODY? UmMm..well i dunno that's a tuff one but ima just say body
Lover or a Freind Lover
LADIES get respect, HOES get wat they deserve...LADIES get catered to, HOES gotta serve...LADIES stand by they man, HOES got anotha one on the side...LADIES wanna make luv, HOES just wanna ride...LADIES tell the truth, HOES lie all the tyme...LADIES are sexy, classy & smart, HOES are just fine...LADIES got they own car, HOES need a oil change...LADIES shoot the target, HOES get out of range...LADIES want a husband, HOES want a thug...LADIES want success, HOES want a car with dubbs...LADIES have children, HOES get knocked up...LADIES care for others, HOES just don't give a fuck...LADIES go to college, HOES go to jail...LADIES appreciate this poem, HOES are mad as hell...
Mah Hata's are Mah Inspiration!!Notorious from head 2 toe,
Naughty as hell but I AINT no hoe.
U aint worth ma time and cant take ma place,
so if u got sumthin 2 say, bytch! say it 2 ma face.
I play mah game like monopoly
I dare ANY bytch to land on my property.
Bytchy? Yeah...i might be slightly...
cuz i dont know how to say FUCK U politely.
Bytch did i just hear u talkin?
Yeah, dats right...keep fuckin walkin.
4 all dem hoez tryin 2 take ma spot,
I got 3 words 4 u... I THINK NOT
When bytches bring shyt, im far from da calmest...
I aint gon slap u, Ima fuck u up *dats a promise*
Callin me a bytch? I know...i know..
but in tha wordz of Ludacris, UZ A HOE
Ima true gangsta QUEEN holdin shyt down.
Think you can take ma crown and wear it proud?
Just Because cuz i flirt dont mean ima hoe.
unlike u i kno how 2 say no
2 all da girlz starin in ma direction:
damn right BITCH, envy dis perfection!
Damn right Im fine, sexy, I got hella money
Me, jealous of u? haha, ur funny!
2 all da hataz: do what u do.
I aint got no mo time 2 waste on u
Name? Nicknames?: You can call me SnowFlake
Birth date?: March 20, 1985
Do you have any siblings? Do you get along with them?: A LiL brother who's 15..yea we get along most of the time plus we are 6 year's apart so that make's it a lil easier
What are you wearing right now?: Sum black boy short's and a White T
Who do you live with?: Me....Myself...and I
Do you have any pets?: At my momma's I do...I miss' em too
What's your favorite food?: Mexican
Hey slacker, what's your G.P.A.?: LoL..UMmm to be honest I can't even remember
What's your major?: Nursing
Is your room messy or clean right now?: will get cleaned tomorrow though believe that
What's your favorite alcoholic drink?: Brown Liquor's
What's your favorite non-alcoholic drink?: Pepsi
How do you feel about cigarette smoking?: Well...I smoke so to me it help's me out when I'm stressed
If you don't recognize the number on your caller ID, do you answer?: Nope
How many speeding tickets have you recieved?: On my but beside's that like 4
What's your favorite clothing store?: Remix...Lady Foot Locker...Values are Us
Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? What is it?: Nah Just a blankie that I've had since i was little
When was the last time you were on a diet?: still going strong...
Once you're finished with school, what will your profession be?: I start college in January and I will be getting my Nursing degree
What is a long term goal of yours? short term?: Long successful and happy...short term....finish college
What is your favorite type of fast food?: Taco Bell
Have you ever truly been in love?: Sure have
Ever cheated on your bf/gf?: Yea I regret it though
What kind of car do you drive?: A 2003 Red Mustang...She's mah baby too
Where did you go on your funnest vacation?: Virgina Beach
What's your favorite holiday?: Christmas
What is your favorite sport to watch? to play?: football but none mah playing sport's day's ended when I graduated from high school
Where did/will you go for your 21st birthday?: I am 21 bout to be 22...but for mah 21st I just went out to the club ya kno the usual...hotel party afterwards
Do you usually get ready for class or just wear sweats?: It depends on the type of mood I'm in either one work's for me...I'm going to school to learn not to impress somebody
Would you rather go to a club to dance or a sit-down bar?: I use to wanna go to the dance clubs but now I would rather go to a bar cause you can get to know a person better that way
How many car accidents have you been in? How many were your fault?: Umm I've only been in one that was kinda serious..the other's were just finder bender's and thing's to which nonw of them were my fault..people these day's cant effin drive
Have you ever tried chewing tobacco?: Ewww nah
Who was the last person you spoke on the telephone with?: Mah Girl Miranda's crazy self
Do you chew on the straw?: Nah
What are you listening to right now?: Mah profile song...We's hott
What star/celebrity do most people say you resemble?: I look like me and that's it I don't compare myself to anyone cause there is nobody else out there who can compare to me
When was the last time you recieved mail other than junk mail and bills?: Today
What brand of tennis shoes do you prefer?: Jordan's
What did you dress up as last Halloween?:'s been a long time ago I can't even remember
What brand of shampoo and conditioner do you use?: Suave
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?: Semaj
What do you have on your bedroom walls?: hanging up poster day's are over
What was the last movie you saw in the theater? Was it good?: The last movie I saw was Wasit Deep...It was really good too
About how many friends from high school do you still talk to?: Umm maybe about 15 or so of 'em
What are you biggest peeves?: People who annoy me when they talk to much about thing's that they have no idea about...people who try to be someone their not...girl's who try to act hard when they really aint about shit
Are your parents still together?: Yup..20 year's going strong
What is your favorite color?: Red
What sports did you play in high school?: Basketball and I was a cheerleader for a lil bit before that
Are you a lover or a fighter?: lover for the most part but if somone has a problem with meh then it's whatever
Do you read the Bible?: though I should..But I try my best to live right and I alway's remember the one who hold's my fate at the end of the day
Do you like to go camping?: I use to when I was in high school..I had alot of I miss those day's
I know you don't like books, so what is your favorite magazine?: Cosmopolitan
Do you keep a journal?: Nope...I'm too busy with work and paying bills
What's your favorite animal?: Dog
When is the last time you puked?: New Year' that was a bad night
Have you ever broken any bones?: Nope thank god
Can you drive a stick-shift car?: Nope
Who is your favorite actor/actress?: UMm T.I. the the movie was hott
Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: not really
What kind of underwear are you wearing right now?: Sum baby blue one's that's all ya need to know
What cologne/perfume do you wear?: Canide's
Wal-Mart or Target?: Target
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend or major crush? Who is it!?: Nah...just still in love and slowly movin on..he know's who he is
What size bed do you have in your room?: Queen
What food can you absolutely not stand to eat?: SEAFOOD...I HATE it with a pasion
Are you more like your mom or your dad?: My Momma
Do you floss your teeth?: Yup..gotta keep my pearly white's
Who is your BFF (best friend forever)?: Page's....10 year's going strong
How long was your longest relationship?: almost 3 year's and still counting cause it's the type of situation where u are apart for a few day's then yall are right back together's like a bad habit that you just can't break
Why did it end?: It hasn't yet..but trust me if it keep's going the way it is..Ima end it real soon believe that
Do you snore (don't lie!)? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep?: LoL nah I don't snore or steal cover's but I might move around a lil bit if I'm in tha bed by myself
Are you outgoing, or do you keep to yourself most of the time?: outgoing
Do you smile with your teeth when getting your picture taken?: yup sure do I'm proud of 'em...2 year's of brace's in high school and $3,000 later u better believe I'm show 'em off
What is your main ring tone on your phone?: Show Stopper's
When is the last time you worked out?: Bout 2 day's ago...I try and work out at least 3 time's a week
Who is your favorite professional athlete?: T.O. Dat's mah man
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?: a Nurse or a Teacher
Do you know how to sew?: Nah I never learned
About how many pairs of jeans do you own?: Way too many to even think about
Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?: short
Have you ever been to the stripclub?: yup
What was the last shot you took? When was this?: I don't like shot's Soo I make sure it's my last resort to a solution
What are your bad habits?: Smoking
Have you ever been fired from a job?: A long time ago when I was 17..cause I was alway's late
What was the last live sporting event you attended?: I went to a Titian's game last year but I don't care for 'em too much this year
Do you consider yourself to be religious?: Yup..Ima believer of Jesus Christ
Have you ever ridden in an ambulence?: Nope...I hope I never have too
Did you ever wear braces?: Yup..In high school almost 4 year's ago
Are you artistic/creative?: A LiL bit but not was never really my thing
What kind of mood are you in right now?: Tired
What time is it?: 10:41 p.m.
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