Ariel Rodz es un joven artista de Buenos Aires, Argentina que comenzò a desarrollarse en el terreno de la música electrónica a muy corta edad.
Durante los primeros años se presentó en distintos eventos pertenecientes al underground. Años mas tarde, en el 2004 obtuvo su primera residencia en la disco del Teatro Fénix y poco tiempo despuès en Pueblo Limite. A partir de ese año su progreso logro trascender las barreras del circuito under realizando presentaciones en importantes eventos de su natal Buenos Aires. Entre los que se destacan: SAMC, Mint, Big One, Bahrein, Shamrock, entre otros.
A medida que su carrera le iba abriendo caminos, fue consolidando las raices de su actual sonido, para ello, mientras se desempeñaba sus Dj sets trabajaba al mismo tiempo en el campo de la producciòn, logrando asì con el paso del tiempo crear su propia mùsica.
Influenciado principalmente por el Dub Instrumental, House y Techno acompañados por bajos envolventes de gran calidad que logran evidenciar la mìstica y un particular ritmo hipnotico, que lo llevan hoy dìa a ser dueño de un groove que lleva su propia firma y que lo ha llevado a editar sus trabajos en sellos como - Kitsam - de Reino Unido y tambièn en - Unlock Recordings - de su nativo Buenos Aires y en el destacado sello - Eat More Beaf Music - del Reino Unido, recibiendo excelentes crìticas de grandes artìstas, entre los que se distinguen, Someone Else, Barem, Matteo Spedicati, Guy Gerber, The Littleman, Satoshi Fumi, Corrie, Franck Roger, Jevne Miller y Nathan Coles.
The Rebels EP (Feat. Ronan Portela) - Kitsam Recordings
Ronan Portela - Vuelta y Vuelta EP (Feat. Ariel Rodz) - Unlock Recordings
Flahuer Diss EP - Unlock Recordings
Prime Cuts Vol. 1 - Eat More Beaf Music
Ariel Rodz is a young artist born in Buenos Aires, Argentina who began his career in the electronic music field at a very short age. During his first years he performed in different underground events. In 2004, he obtained his first residence at "El Teatro Fénix Disco (Arg.)" and after that he began to perform at "Pueblo LÃmite (Arg.). Since that year his progress managed to break the barriers of the underground circuit and led him to work at nightclubs end events in his home town such as "South American Music Conference", Mint, The Big One, Bahrein and Shamrock Basement", among others. At the same time and as his career grew, he consolidated the roots of his current sound by working in the field of production managing to create his own music.
Today, Ariel is owner of a groove with a signature of its own mainly influenced by Instrumental Dub, House and Techno mixed with surrounding basses of great quality. This mixture evidences the mystic and a particular hypnotic rhythm which have led him to edit his work in record labels such as Kitsam (UK) and Unlock Recordings from Buenos Aires and - Eat More Beaf Music - from (UK), and to receive excellent reviews from a many artists like Someone Else, Barem, Matteo Spedicati, Guy Gerber, The Littleman, Satoshi Fumi, Franck Roger, Jevne Miller and Nathan Coles.
The Rebels EP (Feat. Ronan Portela) - Kitsam Recordings
Ronan Portela - Vuelta y Vuelta EP (Feat. Ariel Rodz) - Unlock Recordings
Flahuer Diss EP - Unlock Recordings
Prime Cuts Vol. 1 - Eat More Beaf Music
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