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About Me

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Who is CD Inzane?

Good day,

CD Inzane LLC is a major online CD & DVD store. We carrying IMPORTED compact discs and DVDs from Europe, Asia and Japan, as well as domestic hardrock and metal CDs. With over a million dollars invested, CD Inzane LLC makes it easy for you to get all those rare, hard-to-find and limited edition imports CDs and box sets, without waiting long and without having to leave your home or office, or pay those hidden conversion fees for foreign transactions to your credit card!!! CD Inzane LLC ships worldwide and we’ve got over 377,000 individual unique users (stats per 12/08).Call CDINZANE.COM today or visit us online...

(763) 391-9344

To contact us, please fill out our contact form or mail us at:

CD Inzane LLC P.O. Box 136 Albertville, MN 55301 (763) 391-9344Phone Ordering Hours: Monday - Friday 7a.m. to 1p.m. CST Store Hours: 3a.m. to 6p.m. CST

© 2008 CD Inzane LLC. All rights reserved.

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My Interests


Member Since: 22/06/2006
Band Website: http://WWW.CDINZANE.COM"http://WWW.CDINZANE.COM
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New to Myspace

Hey There!    For all you fans that shop/support CDINZANE you can now do it through myspace!Wanna add a banner?*a href="">*img src="
Posted by on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 01:38:00 GMT