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About Me

Just your average guy... living a beyond average lifestyle. First off I spend around 40 hrs a week at the International House of Prayer - Atlanta, where i am a full time staff member. Very cool place that is open 24/7 for prayer and worship. I lead several worship sets there each week there. I also teach preschool music, during the school year, at 4 schools up near Gainsville. Thus I have around 400 kids, hope that doesn't scare you! I am a freelance graphic designer... and I work on the weekends at the Fabulous Fox Theatre. So basically I stay as busy as I possibly can... what can I say it keeps me from working the street corner! JK
IHOP Atlanta
The central facet of the IHOP-ATLANTA Missions Base is the vision of the International House of Prayer as a 24-hour a day Prayer Furnace for the city of Atlanta. The Missions Base in Atlanta is committed to developing forerunners committed to prayer, fasting, and the Great Commission.
The Prayer Room of IHOP-Atlanta is the heartbeat of all that goes on at the IHOP-Atlanta Missions Base. IHOP-ATL is a ministry serving the entire Metro Atlanta area. The prayer room opened October 11th, 2004, and is designed for any person or group desiring to come and worship and pray individually and/or corporately. Structured in multiple two-hour prayer meetings a week, teams of musicians, singers, and intercessors lift their voices in praise and supplication, asking God to fulfill His promise and give the nations of the earth to Jesus as His inheritance. Each prayer meeting functions with live worship teams in one of four formats including devotional worship, prophetic worship, worship with the word or apostolic intercession with fasting for corporate breakthrough, city transformation, and revelation of Jesus Christ in the earth.A Glimpse at IHOP Atlanta
Services and Teachings
Young Adult Internships
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My Interests

I love the arts. Right now I am really into theatre and dance. I play piano, violin and sing a little. Shopping is always alot of fun. I love fixing things up and making things look nice... so i guess just designing things in general. Overall I just enjoy being around good people, if I am with someone I like it doesn't matter what we're doing.

I'd like to meet:

God! I want a face to face encounter that rocks my world. I want to know who He really is? WHO IS THIS MAN?!?


The Fighting Temptations (because I was in it!), Narnia, Matrix, The Forgotten, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Rent


My Pet Portraits

Original Photo



My Blog

My American Idol Favs... So far ; )

So after tonight I'm not so pumped about the potential of the guys in American Idol this year. Yet there were a few moments of enjoyment in this evening of disturbing noise. Hopefully the 3 or 4 with...
Posted by Jarrad on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 08:12:00 PST

Dreamgirls Coming to Atlanta!

If you loved the movie You're definitely gonna love this!This July Jennifer Holiday, the original Effie, reprises her Tony Award winning role here in Atlanta.I cannot wait. No one belts quite like mis...
Posted by Jarrad on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 08:09:00 PST

Practical Fortune Cookie

1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.2. Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.3. Going to church doesn't make you a Chris...
Posted by Jarrad on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 12:08:00 PST

The Fabulous Fox Theatre

Just wanted to give everyone a chance to see one of my favorite places in the world. My home on the weekends... The Fox Theatre. It is 76 yrs old and one of the most amazing buildings in Atlanta. The...
Posted by Jarrad on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 12:59:00 PST

The Path of Christ

This is a writing that I found myself struck by this afternoon. It speaks to exactly where I am. God has been speaking to me of abiding and remaining in Him. Yet I have been found in fear and in pain...
Posted by Jarrad on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 10:10:00 PST

I miss Him! Especially to my IHOP'ers

This songwriter requested me as a friend... I usually just deny them... but i happend to look at this one. Her first song on her player was "I miss You" I wanted to cry. Think somthing is up with that...
Posted by Jarrad on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 08:47:00 PST

Sore Throat : (

Sore throats are the worst... I would almost rather have the flu. At least then you have an excuse to lay around all day. With a sore throat you have to go about life as normal... and if you complaig...
Posted by Jarrad on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 09:04:00 PST

Global Night Commute-Atlanta!

The Global Night Commute was amazing! I was able to attend with 17 of my friends from the Father's House Church. We not only felt like we were doing something worth while... we had a blast doing it. ...
Posted by Jarrad on Wed, 03 May 2006 07:54:00 PST

Love, Justice, Mercy, Humility...

    So sometimes I think I way overcomplicate things! I mean I know that life revolves around several basic concepts but I seem to get overwhelmed by the details instead of staying focu...
Posted by Jarrad on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:25:00 PST

"He's Way More Dedicated Than I Am"

Disclaimer: This is from the director of the International House of Prayer Atlanta. It just hit me in the right way and has been kinda messing with me. Hope it does the same for you!2Ti 2:12-13 If we...
Posted by Jarrad on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 10:21:00 PST