I am looking for friends first and foremost, people who are like me. I’m a general rebel; I like being me and just having a good time and going with the flow. People who are strong emotionally and willing to do anything for a good time are my favorite...this is phase one…if you are my friend good enough this far we just might have that "relationship" but I am not in no hurry for something that will fall apart immediately...I’m not picky with looks as much as I am about brains, interest, wit, and personality. Oh yeah if u are looking for sex look somewhere else, sex is a blast and probably would be my favorite thing to do with my potential other half...but it isn’t nothing if its nothing get what I mean? Sex or perverted little other fetishes you got in mind is not what I am looking for so get it through your heads. I want something deeper....ok if you think you could really be someone’s REAL friend and not a fake mofo hit me up...I am more inclined to be friendly and get to know you through words and conversation than by a nude picture and a place to meet.
MySpace Surveys - Have You Ever
Had Detention: Yes...several times...
Got Caught Doing Something Illegal: Um, oh yeah...
Kissed A Person Of The Same Sex: Hahaha, you know it...
Loved Someone: Yup...
Eaten Something From Japan: It was Japanese but it was from America, lol...
Drank Alcohol While Your Parents Were Home: Yes yes and yes...
Toilet Papered Someones House: Haha, such good days...
Played a Prank On Someone: Who doesnt anymore...
Screamed Very Loud In The Library: Didnt scream, but made moaning noises...
Been in a Commerical: No, Im too ugly...
Went on a Rediculous Diet: Oh yeah, need to do one now...
Bought Something Way to Expensive and Threw Away the Reciept: Oh yes, damn reciept, thats where my money goes...
Fell off Your Roof: No...really dont go up there...
Pretended to be Cold so you could Cuddle up to Someone: Fuck yea...I love to cuddle...
Had a Dream come True: Not really, but I hate DeJa Vu...
Got into a Fist Fight: Yep, some people just need to be hit, and I dont play...
Asked someone out that you Barely even Knew: Haha, drunk days, loved it...
Went on a blind date: Yes, countless times, but still havent found Mr. Right...
Been out of the United States: Nope...
Laid Outside and Watched the Clouds: Yes...
Had a Tea Party: Um, dont recall...lol...
Used a Fake I.D: Hahahaha, omg yes...
Hated the way you Look or Looked: Yup, still do, I dont think I am cute because I cant find someone...
Hated the School you went to: Who doesnt...duh!
Cried your Self to Sleep: On many occasions...
Laughed until milk came out of your Nose: No not really but does soda count, that shit burns, lol...
Written a Letter to santa: Yeppers...
Seen a Ghost: Nope...
Gone Skiing: Nope...
Cried so Hard you Laughed: Yes...after a long time until I got over it...
Laughed so Hard you Cried: Yep, thats why I love my friends...
Slept Naked: Still do...I love the feeling...
Gone Skinny Dipping: Yes, too bad there werent any gorgeous guys back in those days...
Liked an Animal: Yea...what kind of question is that?
Rode a Horse: Yeah...
MySpace Layouts and MySpace Surveys at MakeYourSpace.com!