!..M.a.R.GzL.. profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

[email protected]

++++++++++ Sperma + Ovum = ||[RasH|dz
]|| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ +Mohd Aminur Rashid Bin Mohd GhazaLi.. +
+18 April 1986-20xx +
+Cheras, kL.. +
+hmmmmm... +
+huhaa.. +
+jiwa kcau sometime.. +
+meNgaRutT.. +
+Like xXx.. +
+ +no drug.. +
+no alcohol.. +
+smoking?? +
+Luv my mum.. +
+Luv My Dad.. +
+Luv aLL in My Family.. +
+I LuRve My HoNey SoW MuxCh!!! +
+Luv my friend sow muxch.. +
+Luv musiQx.. +
+Luv my Bandx.. +
+Luv u?? +
+peace.. +
+add me? -- [email protected] -- +
+huh???. ...


[email protected]} ~ WhiZz ~ RaShidz

My Interests

RaShIdz WhiZzMuSiC~ Mp3~ iNTerNeT~ JaMM!n9~ ThInK aBoUt MySeLF~ My HoNeYz!!~ LePaKz~ iCe LeMoN Tea~ BarLi SuAm~ eAT~ aNd sLeEp~ aNd~AnD~ aNd~ .....GuiTaR n N n dRuM [but i'm not pro!]

I'd like to meet:

img src=http://bestanimations.com/Electronics/Radar-2-june.gifWH o i LikE To MeeT hUh? ErK.. MaYBe... i DuN ThInk WhO YoU aRe BuT jUsT bE a gEntLe one.. TaLkActIvE.. HoNeSt..(Da.. i DuN tHinK i'M tHe OnE wHo'S kiNd) hApPy Go luCkY.. jUsT lOok @ uRLifE La.. YoU kNow WhAT I mEAnT iSn'T iT??? wHo wAnt AcComPaNieD wItH sTraNgER?? oR a LieR.. jUsT bE a GUd fRiEnD oF MinE..aLL aGeS~ NO ALCOHOL, NO DRUG...buzz!!
Who Eva!!..' kuRt coBaIn(??)..'DaVe Grohl..'ThE sTrOkEs..'Yeah Yeah Yeahs..'NoRaH JoNes..'MoNa LiSa..'HarRy PoTTer..'MudHoNey..'LiNdsaY LoHaN..'YOuR MoThEr..'........... Who PlaY EMO MusIc!!!!!!!! .Who ThiS gaLLz?!!

Aimisyaza Daleela LURVES muh busyuk Mohd Aminur Rashid..heheh (^^,)-written write type done by mIe huNnY


A Perfect Murder.. A Static Lullaby.. After The Tragedy.. Alexison Alexis On Fire.. Alkaline Trio.. Atreyu.. Avenged Sevenfold.. As I Fail.. As I Lay Dying.. As Sahar.. Beatles.. Big Head.. Black Dahlia Murder.. Bleed The Dream.. Bleeding Through.. bLess The FaLL.. Blink 182.. [Bleach In The Brain].. Blur.. Billy Telant.. bLoodyMaRy.. Bowling For Soup.. Box Car Racer.. Brand New.. Butterfinger..s.. Chiodos.. Coldplay.. Count The Star.. Cradle Of Filth.. Cranberries.. Creed.. Dashboard Confessional.. Disagree.. Emery.. Fear Before The March Of Flames.. Fight Paris.. Foo Fighter..s.. From Autumn To Ashes.. From First To Last Note.. Funeral For A Friend.. Gauge Means Nothing.. Glasseater.. Green Day.. Hawthorne Heights.. Hoobastank.. Hope in Silence.. Hopesfall.. IdLe HaNds.. I Killed The Prom Queen.. Incubus.. Jet.. Jimmy Eat World.. John..s Mistress.. Killswitch Engage.. kittie.. KoRn.. Lacuna Coil.. Love Me Butch.. Marilyn Manson.. Matchbook Romance.. MudHoNeY.. Mudvayne.. Muse.. My Chemical Romance.. Naiad.. Norma Jean.. Nightwish.. Nice Stupid Playground.. Nirvana.. No Use For A Name.. Norah Jones.. O@G.. One Buck Short.. Poison The Well.. Radiohead.. RooNeY.. Sepultura.. sErvent Jamm.. Seven Collar T-shirt.. Shizuka.. Silver Chair.. Silverstein.. sLipknot.. sUbCuLTuRe(MLY).. Sum 41.. Suede.. Sound Garden.. Stereophonics.. Story Of The Year.. System Of A Down.. Switchfoot.. Taking Back Sunday.. The All American Reject.. The Ataris.. The Cardigan.. The Killers.. The Kinison.. The Murder Ballad.. The Prisoners Dilemma.. The Siblings.. The Strokes.. [The TraGiC oF KiLLer].. The Used.. The Hives.. The White Stripes.. The Vines.. Throwdown Thursday.. Underoath.. Weezer.. Yeah Yeah Yeahs.. YellowCard..aNd More~ MorE n More..{LoCaL BaNd iN MaLaysiA} sUppOrt K?!!

||[FeaR BeFoRe The MarCh oF fLaMes]||

My BaNdThe TraGiC oF KiLLer aNGeL!!!!
Boy ManGeRa.... ||[VoCaLiSt]||
AzaM.... ||[GuiTarIst]||
MaX DeGa CaVeLeRa.... ||[BaSsEs]||
RuSH|dx (me)....||[DrUmEr]||


My NaMe Is.. Rashidz R.a.S.h.I.d.z

My Blog

||[ Hollywood Holiday ]||

"Hollywood Holiday" Video ...
Posted by !..M.a.R.GzL.. on Thu, 18 May 2006 06:34:00 PST