Petra profile picture


Keyaiiii! Yeah, that's a karate chop.

About Me

I'm fun, interesting, smart and kick a lot of ass. I work as a counselor for juvenile sex offenders and plan to get my PhD in social psychology someday. I live in a sweet house with my dog and my man in central Iowa. I really enjoy eating pizza. Beer is good too.
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a 'not so boring' survey
have you been ..'accidentally in love?..': what the hell does that mean? is this a reference to shrek?
close your eyes. what do you see?: not much.
what..'s your favorite fair ride?: either the purple people eater or paratrooper.
if you could trade places with one person, who would it be and why?: i don't think i would want to trade for any long period of time, but if for just a few days, i'd like to be in condi rice's shoes. she's a badass.
favorite card game?: i don't play cards much, but i love computer solitaire.
what is the one restaurant you eat at way too much?: we don't go out to eat very often, but it used to be applebee's.
what would you want your friends to remember about you?: my loyalty or trustworthiness.
why was humpty dumpty so important?: he came from old money and owned a lot of businesses in town. without him, commerce, as the king's men knew it, would come to a screaching hault.
friends: who do you think of when i say...
dancing: mateo. he's has lots of sweet moves.
beautiful: sarah. because she is.
naked: kelly. because she likes to be.
memories: jess, we have sooooo many.
love: also jess.
picasso: mark trelz.
guitar: dustin.
eating: another one for jess. it's amazing to watch her put the hurt on a plate of fajitas.
water: newt and the lake about 15 years ago.
cats: tara, her cats are little shit heads.
driving: jess in her old bug.
addiction: kevin. it's actually really sad and i don't want to go into detail.
secrets: kristin, and that's why we're not friends anymore.
about you
what's the most common misconception about you?: i really don't know. i feel like i'm pretty straight forward. you'd have to ask someone who knows me really well.
what do you think about most?: probably my job. it's kind of hard to leave it at the door when i go home.
what are you lookin forward to?: hopefully coming back to the wash for a visit in a few weeks.
why are you the way you are?: all of the events of our lives, our reactions to them, and they way they affect us form our personalities.
do you like who you are?: for the most part i like me a lot. i wish i was a little less skeptical and jealous, but i'm working on it.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

No bags please: slime bags, ass bags, nut bags, old bags, douchebags, scum bags, slut bags, ho bags, dirt bags, etc...


Rocco Deluca and the Burden, Modest Mouse, Death Cab for Cutie, Sonic Youth, Jude, Martin Sexton, Heart, Ben Folds (Five), Tom Petty, The Doors, Nirvana, Jay-Z, classic rock, pretty much anything that would have been labled as "grunge" in the 90s, 80s new wave. She's So Hot (BOOM)
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O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Winter Passing, The Usual Suspects, Garden State, The Breakfast Club...


i'm a t.v. junky. giggety giggety.

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Retarded Flu - Howard Stern
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The Alienist, Native Son, Blood Done Sign My Name, The Devil Wears Prada, The Catcher in the Rye, Progress Paradox, anything by Allen Ginsberg, Silvia Plath or Toni Morrison.


i am my own heroine.
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Fun Fun Randomness
Have you ever been to a different country?: meheeco.
Are you a vegetarian?: hell na. i heart beef.
Do you play a musical instrument?: eh, i play the guitar a bit but not very well.
Are you double jointed?: only in my thumbs, it's not as hot as it sounds.
Can you whistle?: fa sho.
Do you have any special talents?: i kick ass in many ways.
Have you ever cried in front of others?: it's been awhile but yes.
Do you shower daily?: of course, i work with teenage boys. i feel gross just walking into the gym.
Name one bad habit of yours:: i bite the heck out of my cuticles.
What friend of your boyfriend/girlfriend do you find the most attractive?: i guess adam, but he kind of has a bad attitude, so i hate to admit it.
Is chubby cute?: chubby yes, obese not so much.
Have you ever been hospitalized?: yes, it sucks.
Ever done something real bad?: yes. and it's none of your business what.
Ever got caught doing something bad?: yes, that's between me and the state of washington.
Rate your dancing skills 1-10:: for real dancing, 7. drunken-goof-off dancing, 11.
Are you single?: hell no, i got a fine ass man.
If not, what's your significant other's name?: jerod.
What's your sign?: taurus.
What's your middle name?: susann.
What's your favorite flower?: orchid.
Who do you idolize?: oprah.
If you could speak a foreign language, which would it be?: i speak spanish, but i'd like to speak it better.
Smell your shirt, what does it smell like?: purex free and clear.
What kind of deoderant do you use?: degree.
What's your best physical feature?: i guess my eyes.
What's your favorite physical feature in the opposite sex?: wang dang doo.
Are you afraid of the dark?: yes, but oddly enough, i can't sleep with lights on.
Day/Night?: night.
Sun/Rain?: sun.
Cold/Hot?: warm.
Dog/Cat?: my dog.
Sneeze/Cough?: sneezes are awesome.
Favorite Super Nintendo game:: mariokart.
Favorite board game:: i don't play board games.
Favorite arcade game:: pinball.
When was the last time you shagged?: are you british? what a wanker.
Rate it on a scale of 1-10:: 9.
Does anything hurt on your body right now? If yes, what?:: yes, tummy and back.
Sleeping position:: side or stomach.
Children?: yes, they do exist.
Least favorite food:: pickles.
Most desirable place to visit:: new york city.
Have you ever peed the bed?: probably when i was a baby. i didn't have that problem as a kid.
Do you enjoy reality tv?: it depends on the show. i like what they have on bravo and american idol.
Do you believe in a higher power?: yes i do.
Are you supersticious?: not really, but i do catch myself knocking on wood every now and then.
Believe in ghosts?: yes.
Ever seen a ghost?: i don't know if we can see them necessarily, but i think i've felt some kind of presence.
Watch porn?: nah. it doesn't do much for me.
What's your favorite horror film?: that's my favorite genre, so it's hard to answer. i love the silence of the lambs and seven.
What's the best book you've ever read?: another toughy, but probably the alienist.
Lactose Intolerant?: i don't think so, but i get a tummy ache if i have too much ice cream.
If you could put one thing in your mouth right now, what would it be?: jerod seems to think it's his nuts. but i was thinking something more like a brownie.
Least favorite word:: moist.
Worst teacher:: miss flannagan. bitch.
Best kisser:: jerod.
Most embarrassing moment:: i peed myself at a bar mitzvah when i was 10. no one knew because i said i spilled punch in my lap, but i was internally embarrassed.
Do you bite your nails?: nope.
Most desired length of hair on opposite sex?: short-ish.
Are you bilingual?: yes.
Do you work hard for your money?: yes, so you better treat me right.
Do you own a plant?: jerod just bought one the other day.
Do you own a fish?: nope.
What is on your feet right now?: nothing.
When was the last time you showered?: about 9 hours ago.
Have you ever cheated on a loved one?: nope, and i never will.
Ever ratted someone out?: not that i can recall.
Who was the last person you yelled at?: a kid at work. it was awesome.
Who was the last person you hit?: i don't know, it's been quite awhile.
Who was the last person you kissed?: jerod, of course.
Are you wearing underwear?: always.
If so..what kind?: none of your goddamned business.
Do you like bananas?: indeed i do.
Can you sing?: sure i can.
What's your future child's name going to be?: how am i supposed to know, i'm not psychic.
Are you racist?: absolutely not.
Are you a homophobe?: no way.
What's your favorite kind of animal?: my dog.
Have you ever been bitten by a spider?: yes, ouchy.
Ever had a tic stuck to you?: again, ouchy.
Have you ever cried for no reason?: eh, there's usually a reason, but i have cried for stupid reasons.
Do you have piercings?: ears.
Do you have tattoos?: one.
How long is your hair?: just below the shoulders.
How long are you..okay how tall are you?: 5'3".
What do you do for a living?: couselor for juvenile sex offenders.
Where's the prettiest place you've ever been?: bryce canyon in utah.
Is Shakira hot?: if she's not talking or singing.
Do you want someone's boyfriend/girlfriend?: just mine.
Do you have the hots for a co-worker?: nope.
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My Blog

surveys now in blog form. good idea, sarah.

1. When is the last time you held hands with someone?yesterday afternoon.2. If you woke up as the opposite gender, what's the one thing you would do?play with my new chubby. duh.3. Have you ever crawl...
Posted by Petra on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 09:05:00 PST