Hey im jeff, im 21, going to Gloucester in South Jersey, then off to Rowan University for a Business Entrepeneurship Degree. I work in Online Franchising part-time during school and will be fulltime upon graduation. I luv to work with my hands...I have a thing for carpentry ...massages are a specialty...did soccer and wrestling in H.S. Luv ta surf an skimboard wit me bros an babes... miss ya S.T.I.F.F. :(...kant wait till summa cus thats da best time of year...always tryin to live life to the fullest and do my best at evetin i do......the sexiest ppl in the world are italian...much luv to the italiannas ;)...im 50%italian...the rest is English/Irish German+Welsh...more later...
You Know You're From South Jersey When...
You don't "go to the beach", you go "down the shore".In your mind you hear "watch out for the tram car please" even in your sleep.You've had arguments over cheesesteak quality.When it snows more than an inch, you call it a blizzardYou've actually found the Echelon Mall.You don't understand why there aren't more 24-hour diners elsewhere in the country.You know what a Wawa is, and know the location of at least 15 of them.One time you were driving in the woods and got stuck in sand.Even though there's a new Wal-Mart in your town, you still go to the Berlin Farmers Market for cheap stuff.You know that you should get the hell out of Camden before dark.Your car is covered with yellow-green dust in April ann May.You buy Shop-Rite brand food at Shop-RiteYou've counted the number of titty bars on the Black Horse Pike.You always went to the Franklin Institute when you were a kid.You're Italian.You know where to get the best bagel.You've called someone an "asshole" to their face at the Philly airport.You say "water" weird.It’s a “hoagieâ€...not a “subâ€....morons.You've almost fallen asleep on the Expressway.You know that ACME is an actual store, not just a Warner Bros. creation.You have mandatory recycling. Enforced by law.You don't have to go to Red Lobster to get fresh seafood.You've made a meal out of Tastycakes, Herr's BBQ potato chips, and Pennsylvania Dutch Birch Beer.Down the road, in the middle of nowhere, is an Egyptian restaurant and a custard stand with a minature golf course.You can go bowling at 1:30 A.M. (with automatic scoring!)Route 206 doesn't freak you out at night.One time, a sea gull shit all over your head. Not mine lol...You once said, "It smells like Philadelphia in here."You know that people from the 609 area code are "a little different".You know it can be -10 degrees and 70 degrees in January in the same year.There's a fruit and vegetable stand down the road.You will always say "YO", and you'll say it often.You scoff at tourists in Philadelphia. HELL YES!!!You know that no matter how much they put into the Camden waterfront Camden is still Camden.You have to mail your relocated friends tastykakes.You think North Jersey is a different state and South Jersey deserves its own secession.You refuse to call Hoagies "subs."You know where Olga's Diner is on rt 70.You drive by a farm every time you get in the car.You know what "jimmies" are and refuse to call them anything else.Your neighbor is either a painter, a plumber, a builder, or an electrician with a work truck in the driveway.You have crossed all 5 bridges into Philly at one point in your life.You take day trips to philly to walk on South Street.You have had a near or close call experiences hitting a deer with your car.You run around in the nearest patch of woods and play paint ball with your buddies.You call the Berlin Farmer's Market the Berlin Auction or the Auction.Other people dont know what funnel cake and water ice is
You went "diner hopping" till the sun came up.You don't acknoledge that it is tomorrow until either you go to sleep or the sun comes up.You have empty Wawa half gallon iced tea bottles all over your car and room.You've ever driven around aimlessly for hours with your friends saying "So, whatta we doin?"The term "I think of you as a brother" turns into a whole family tree.You ever drove all the way to the shore just to walk around for 5 minutes then drive back.You ever went over someone's house to hang out with their mom.You can't get that sand out of your toes no matter how long it's been there.You've seen a shack with a satellite dish.You have gotten bad poison ivy from hiding in a bush to make weird noises at the people passing by.You know that a "Yield" sign is merely a suggestion.Half your high school went to or is going to go to Camden County College.Everything is "twenty minutes away"except shore areas: they're usually "an hour and twenty minutes." ...y/r...45min-1hr baby(BAKROADS)...beat that...You've intentionally stood in front of the tram car, and you're upset that it no longer stutters.You curse off three drivers in two minutes.You haven't moved out of state soley for the reason you know the food is that bad everywhere else.More than one of your friends has spent more than a week at your house. YEA DAN!You can spend the day at the Berlin Auction shopping at the outside flea market.You're astounded when a friend that moves tells you theres not a Wawa nor CVS withen a 10 mile radius of them.You would drop everything you were doing and run to the voting polls right now if you heard we were voting to make North and South Jersey separate states.You've had a dinner with your friends for less than $3.You know all of the "back roads" to get everywhere and prefer them to the expresswayYou know what a "shoe-bie" is and can pick one out at the beach. GET OFF OUR BEACHES U FRUITKAKES!!!HERE’s SOME NEW ONES FOR EVEBOD I KNO:if everyone from skool(or it just seems that way) works/hangs out at wawa and ur thinking of applying...You can brag of being in multiple car accidents and don’t have a scratch on you...You’ve gone 4x4ing in a recent snowstorm starting from the Atco Raceway and ending up at the Mullica River Marina in Batsto...U’ve ever gone offroading to avoid a cop...An adult has scolded u for calling an officer of the law a “copâ€...(it’s only “officer†if ur bein pulled over)U’ve never taken a course on computers but u kno more than a college proffesser.A close friend of yours is an Indian(India) who has a third ear that ur not sure wat its for...Your 11th or twelth grade english teacher was named mr stu.The fries at your skool taste like bull$&!t but u kant get enuf of them.U love to surf at LBI but u always wind up at OC.U live right down the street from the renowned Clementon Lake Park but ur friends are shokked to kno uve only been there once.uve come up with ways to dodge buying "beach tags" and kno that u dont have to cs theyre total bullOne or more of your closest friends have come up with an inside joke that wen herd in public sounds like a sexually transmitted disease...Uve gone skimboarding in the woods at atco cs theres snow on the ground...Some of your closest friends are originally from countries which are major exporters of illegal plant drugs...you've gotten your jeep stuck up in a treeyou time how many minutes(not hrs.) it takes to get from your house to the bridge at 9th street in OC.your buddies come over to indo board in your room...even tho theres only a coupla feet available and your living room is huge.you cant put your email address on a WaWa job aplikation because it would completely discredit you and any hopes you had of obtaining a job.you have a gpa of 3.97 even tho ur failing 2 classes :)you and your buds cant get enuf of dbz even tho it suddenly became popular a few years ago to all the posers...and u constantly try to powerup/fuse with your friends because your a boneheaded dumbass who doesnt give a fukk what ppl think...
if you can brag that you can work a comalong crank really fast but your bros say its ks u jackoff too much(theyre kidding)
your best bro always seems to be the one stukk n the mud wen hes the only one who can pull ppl out
you saw a mexican in a wetsuit with indoor soccer shoes on jumping on a log in the middle of the woods...haha...
uve been statically electrocuted by a bar of soap...
ur dog snarls at everyone it knows but warms up to complete strangers...(More to come)You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from south Jersey.
..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
What Makes You Sexy?
by dollface04
Physical Appearance Your Eyes
Special Talents Flirting
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... delicious
Your hugs are... gentle
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... the only thing I desire
Your smell is... beautiful
Your smile is... entrancing
Your love is... everlasting