People that are cool. Hanging out. Music. Running Track. Rainy Days. Going on runs in the rain. Oberlin. Card Games. Randomness Dentyne Ice Gum. Japanese Food. Japan. Frappucino. Starbucks. The Ocean. MSN. Good conversations. Foggy Days. Summer. Someone who teaches you something. Big Words! Hurdles. Jumping Over Hurdles. Having Responsibility. Meeting New People. Days when you have nothing to do. Days when you have everything to do. Making Milkshakes. Watching Movies, sometimes. Fireworks.
Jessica Alba
Hotel Rwanda, Ray, Finding Nemo, Shark Tale, The Motorcycle Diaries
Televison Sucks.But I still watch random stuff?
I don't really have time to read, but hopefully by the end of summer I will find some good books.
Many people, but only for certain reasons.