Lets see here.. About Kayla..
Well, I LOVE Batman. He is the shit. Without a doubt the BEST super hero EVER ! Dont even try to argue that with me, becuase you WILL loose..
I also LOVE art.
photography . I absolutely LOVE it!
I love music too.. And by music I dont mean a bunch of rednecks, singing about thier dog. Or some gangsta-thug-wannabe, talking fast with a beat going.. I mean REAL music. Something other than these emo-punk-ass-little-shits, who only know 3 chords, and cant sing worth shit...
I am currently attending BC, going for my AA in fine arts.. And, actually, I like school. I like to learn new things. I may not be the smartest, I may not remember things I've learned, and I may not stick with things I've tried to learn, but I do like to learn new things..
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