My interests are sports by far, having a good time, beer, fighting, and woman. I guess those aren't very interesting, but those are just some of the things that spike MY interest.
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Rodney Rammer
What's Your Porn Star Name?
You scored as whiskey, you are whiskey! hard and a bit dangerous, you know how to have a good time and somewhere underneath that tough, rule breaking exterior is an even tougher interior.
I'd love to meet a few people. Not just one. It's been my life's dream to meet Jerry Rice. He is the perfect NFL icon. He played the game with such grace and respect, that i don't think anyone else has come close to. I would also love to meet Barry Sanders. Just so i could here HIM tell me the real reason he quit so early, after knowing he could have easily been the best running back of all-time, stats wise, not just in the eyes of so many.
Funny Videos
I love anything that get's me singing along with it. Whether it be rock, hip-hop, rap, metal, country. I like it all i guess.
Your Deadly Sins
Envy: 60%
Gluttony: 60%
Sloth: 60%
Wrath: 60%
Lust: 40%
Pride: 20%
Greed: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 43%
You will die at the hands of a jealous lover. How ironic.
How Sinful Are You?
Oh my god. Let's see. Dumb and Dumber, Snatch, Fight Club, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Big Lebowski, anything with Chris Farley, Bradd Pitt, and Adam Sandler, to sum it up. Lock, Stock, and 2 Smoking Barrels, Waterworld, Field of Dreams, Back to the Future (the trilogy), and many more.
You Are Whiskey
You're a tough drinker, and you take it like a man
That means no girly drinks for you - even if you are a girl
You prefer a cold, hard drink at the end of the day
Every day, in fact. And make that a few.
What Alcoholic Drink Are You?
I don't watch much TV at all to be honest. So im just gonna leave it at ESPN, Simpsons, Family Guy, and UFC.
Books are the reason people made movies in the first place.
My heroes are plain and simple my mom, my older brother, and Jerry Rice.