Don't send a lame Starring You! eCard . Try JibJab Sendables !I am the alumni director at Saint Francis University in Loretto, PA. I am married to Chris Baumann. He's a cool guy and we've been married for 12 years but together for more like 16. I am a stepmom with two stepkids, ages 21 and 24, and last year became a step-grandma (who would have thunk it?) I have a fabulous dog named Ginger who makes me smile all the time.
I graduated from Saint Francis in 1990 and returned in 2005 to be director of alumni relations.
I am a 22 year survivor of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. I volunteer at a weeklong camp for kids with cancer called Camp Fantastic in Front Royal, VA.
Quoting an ex-boss (maniacal as he was), I am definitely not "plain vanilla." I make up songs as I do the household chores or drive somewhere, and sing them in fine Broadway style. I attempt to think thoughts no one has ever thought before, though it's hard to know if I've succeeded since there is no central database.
I love all holidays, and I love buying house decorations for each holiday, which I store neatly in bins, making me a bin-a-holic. All the bins are neatly stacked and labeled, making my utility room the most organized place in my house.
I love all things British and was an avid reader of Victoria magazine before Hearst magazines committed the ultimate betrayal and stopped publishing it.
I love Winnie-the-Pooh and all things Disney. I like roller coasters and thrill rides.
I love to travel and have been to Australia, England, Ireland, Italy, Wales, Scotland, and many places in the United State. My husband and I went to England in 2005 to celebrate our 10th anniversary and came back "across the pond" on the QM2. How civilized!