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About Me

Don't send a lame Starring You! eCard . Try JibJab Sendables !I am the alumni director at Saint Francis University in Loretto, PA. I am married to Chris Baumann. He's a cool guy and we've been married for 12 years but together for more like 16. I am a stepmom with two stepkids, ages 21 and 24, and last year became a step-grandma (who would have thunk it?) I have a fabulous dog named Ginger who makes me smile all the time.
I graduated from Saint Francis in 1990 and returned in 2005 to be director of alumni relations.
I am a 22 year survivor of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. I volunteer at a weeklong camp for kids with cancer called Camp Fantastic in Front Royal, VA.
Quoting an ex-boss (maniacal as he was), I am definitely not "plain vanilla." I make up songs as I do the household chores or drive somewhere, and sing them in fine Broadway style. I attempt to think thoughts no one has ever thought before, though it's hard to know if I've succeeded since there is no central database.
I love all holidays, and I love buying house decorations for each holiday, which I store neatly in bins, making me a bin-a-holic. All the bins are neatly stacked and labeled, making my utility room the most organized place in my house.
I love all things British and was an avid reader of Victoria magazine before Hearst magazines committed the ultimate betrayal and stopped publishing it.
I love Winnie-the-Pooh and all things Disney. I like roller coasters and thrill rides.
I love to travel and have been to Australia, England, Ireland, Italy, Wales, Scotland, and many places in the United State. My husband and I went to England in 2005 to celebrate our 10th anniversary and came back "across the pond" on the QM2. How civilized!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Alive: Neil Diamond, Michael W. Smith (had my picture with him but didn't really get to chat), William Shatner, P.C. Doherty, Emma Thompson, Anthony Hopkins, Pierce Brosnan, Jan Karon, Elizabeth Elgin, Bernadette Peters, J.K. RowlingDead: Jesus, Francis of Assisi, C.S. Lewis, Ronald Reagan, Gene Roddenberry, John Denver, Pope John Paul II, Lucy Laud Montgomery, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Louis May Alcott, St. Teresa of Avila, William Shakespeare, Isak Dineson, Walt Disney,

My Blog

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