Take the quiz:
What thug drink are you?
Purple Drink
You love just gettin f-ed up for the hell of it... your not drinkin to score because ur the ultimate thug. More than likely your from Houston, TX... if not then youre still cool.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
I wOuLD lOvE tO mEeT mARiAh CaReY & mArY J bLigE ( they are so AWESOME). i wOulD LiKe tO mEeT ThE gOtTi BoYs (OMG.. tHeRe aLl sO HOT!! I wOUld lOvE tO mEeT P.DiDDy (cause he is just so fly)
i LiKe AlL kInDS oF mUsIc bUt i ReAlLy LisTeN tO RaP, R&B, aNd CoUnTrY. I haVe aLoT OF dIfFeReNt fAvOrITe RaP aRtiSt LiKe Dj ScReW, PaUl wAlL, sLiM ThUg, GEtO boYS, BuN B, T.I, HaTa pRoOf, t- PaIn, MoBb DeEp, 50 CeNT, LiL jOn AnD tHe EaStSiDe bOyS, JuVeNiLE, YoUnG jEezY, cHaMiLlIonAiRe, Z-Ro, sNoOp DoGg, pImP C, fAbuLoUs, jA rULe, JaY-Z, tRiCk DaDdY, BiG tYmErS, yInG yAnG tWiNs. My fAvOrItE R&B aRtIsTs aRe MaRiAh CaReY, uShEr, t-PaiN, bEyOnCe, pHaRrElL, MaRy J BliGe, KC&JoJo, aKoN, mARiO, DeStIny ChIlD, aShAnTi, BoNe tHuGs& hArMoNy, AaLiyAh, mYa, aLiCiA kEyS, pReTtY rIckY, GiNuInE. My fAvOrITe cOUnTrY ArTiSts aRe KeNnY CheSnEy, AlaN jAcKsoN, bRoOkS&DuNn, joHnNy CAsH, tObY KeITh, sHAnIA tWaiN, bLakE sHeLtOn, sUgArLanD, lEe AnN WomAcK, dIxIe cHiCkS, GeOrGe sTrAiT, LEaNN RiMeS. ThAt's aLl i cAn tHiNk aBouT.Music Video Codes By ..
i LoVe fUnNy, ScARy, acTiOn anD hOrRoR!!!! fRidAy, nExT fRiDaY, FrIdAy aFtEr NeXt, hAlF bAkEd, ScArY moViE, ThE mATadOR, BaNdiDaS, KiLLa sEaSoN, tHe rInG, mIlLoW aNd OtiS, oCeAnS 11, ScArFacE, pIrAtEs Of tHe cArRiBeaN 1&2, fOrReSt gUmP, ANd HOW HIGH!!! I cANt ThInK oF aNy oThEr oNeS riGhT nOW aT tHe MoMeNt!LOL
i LoVe ReAlIty shOwS, AnD TalK sHoWs!!!! THE REALITY SHOWS -ThE ReAl WOrLd - BATtLe oF tHe sExEs - mY sUpEr sWweEt 16 - HoGaN sHoW - GrOwInG uP gOtTi(there the hottest boys in the world) THE TALK SHOWS - MaUrY ( those bitches on there look so fuckin retarded when it aint the father of there baby) - jErRy sPrIngEr (gEt iT KrUnK) ThAts pReTty mUcH iT!!!!!
MY MOM!!!!
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