♥§.K.♥ profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm 19, I go to CC. Apparently people think im cute, lol who knows, ive got an evil side;). I love sports, I play volleyball and basketball, I also like football. I love acting, its what I want to do with my life. I hope it goes far. I also sing, been singing since my first memories:P I recently recorded my first chorus, its my display song, so I hope you like it.. it was done before the new year so Im going into the studio again soon so record some new stuff. If the singing and acting don't play out the way i'd like then Im also interested in law enforcement, FBI, CSI, homicide detective or another detective. I care about people, especially about my family and friends cause they mean alot to me! Where would I be without them? My best friend just moved far away, and i'll be joining her shortly..um I'm a sucker for animals, and guys who love animals...so don't start talking about barbequeing cats.. Im quite funny, you might see that in my personality if you're lucky.. dont know what else, but if you wanna go dancing, watch a movie, workout, or whatever else to get to know me.. drop me a comment.

Create Your Own Countdown

My Family Guy scene...
Pretty Girl at front door: Hi, I'm on a scavenger hunt and, uh, I need a human foot.
Peter: Well, usually I wouldn't, but since you asked so nicely [starts sawing foot off]... what is this, for- AAH AAH OH MY GOD.
Which Family Guy scene are you?
Take Other Caffeine Nebula QuizzesTake the quiz:
Which celebrity beauty are you? (Pix)

Angelina Jolie
You are a mysterious beauty. Guys are drawn to you because they want to know more. Your style makes you stand out but lets you be yourself at the same time.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!HOT Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Myspace Codes

Myspace Codes

Myspace Codes

singing, acting, volleyball, law enforcement, racing, motorcross, football, animals, strawberries and so on

Myspace Layouts

You Are Corona
You don't drink for the love of beer. You drink to get drunk.
You prefer a very light, very smooth beer. A beer that's hardly a beer at all.
And while you make not like the taste of beer, you like the feeling of being drunk.
You drink early and often. Sometimes with friends. Sometimes alone. All the party needs is you! What's Your Beer Personality?

I'd like to meet:

Anybody, who I can have a good time with and can make me laugh without being really stupid. Positive people, cause thats def. something im working on... actors, singers


Alternative rock, hip hop, pop.. nikelback,hinder,nelly furtado, timbaland, akon, avril lavigne.. whatevers on:P


I like all types of movies, I dont really have a favorie.

Hosted at MySpaceNow.com


Heros, The riches, Desperate housewives, smallville, one tree hill


Mary Higgins Clark, John Grisham, Danielle Steel


God, my mom, someone else out there..

My Blog

Livin life and lovin it

Hey, its been a while since ive written a blog.  The other ones I wrote were pretty glum sounding so I sorta deleted them. What the heck I know you dont mind. Just wanted to let everyone know, im...
Posted by *§.K.* on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 07:58:00 PST

Crazy Horse!

So I went horseback riding today with friends. I usually go over to the house where the horses are by myself, but I kinda promised my sister last time I rode that ...she could come the next time ...
Posted by *§.K.* on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 11:04:00 PST