Books. Movies. Long/Full Life. Birthday cake. Playing music. The science fiction that's become a reality in our lifetime. Anything Kevin and Bean tell me about.
Other talented people. Girls that like camping and hiking. I no longer want to meet Katie Holmes. Oh Tom, what did you do?
I'm partially stuck in the 90's. Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Alice 'n Chains, and the timeless Pink Floyd. Unfortunately day in and day out I have those songs everyone and their pet rock play at their wedding or Mitzvah stuck in my head. "She's a Brick House" For the love of Christ! If I have to hear that song one more time... Black Crowes just ripped my face off at the Greek a couple of months ago.
The Seven Samurai, Kill Bill, Trouble Everyday, Sin City. I love watching them, but I'd be a miserable shell of a man if I didn't have the opportunity to make them.
24, and Rome. Although, my roommate just brought home a projector from work. Suddenly every television show is beamed onto my wall in eleven feet of projected glory and has become four times better than usual. And we can make shadow puppets.
Pride and Prejudice (laugh and this online friendship is over) Crime and Punishment. When I'm not being totally pompous and high brow I read Harry Potter. All ya'll need to pick up "The History of Nearly Everything." It is in this amazing book that I discovered we have big brains because we mate face to face. Blueberries also encourage brain cell communication. Thank you Bill Bryson.
My Dad. Kurosawa.