Ombilikal Webradio profile picture

Ombilikal Webradio

Ombilikal Webradio

About Me

::: WEBRADIO Drum'n'Bass / Breakbeat / Grime / Dubstep / Broken Beat / Electro / Nujazz / Hip Hop / Ragga / Dub / Roots

..:: ::..

At the outset was an artistic group : OMBILIKAL, Its objectives were to to bring in together performers , develop common research & projects so as to promote different artistic expressions. (Graphics, Music, Webdesign ) . With an accent on quality, creation and innovation.These objectives resulted in the creation of a media OMBILIKAL Webradio, who, thanks to the addition of the collective and complementary operators allows a common desire to promote a musical movement : the Jungle Movement / Drum'n'Bass.

This movement being rich with influences and artistic concretisations aims to give a maximum media coverage of its origins and evolutions. the web radio aims to represent the whole " musical field" which is actually covered by that style with many "sub types" that are in constant renewal.( Dubstep, grime, broken beat, etc...)

OMBILIKAL, is always concerned and quality renewal is not constrained by commercial benefits. OMBILIKAL, wishes to introduce the richness of this movement to beginners & incite experienced Junglists to search constantly for new sounds.

The promotional aspect of the web-radio makes it possible for new talents to express themselves and encourage the broadcasting of little -known musical expression.


French traduction

A l'origine se trouve un collectif artistique : Ombilikal ; ses objectifs, rassembler des performers, developper des recherches et projets communs afin de promouvoir differentes expressions artistiques (graphisme, musique, webdesign), en privilegiant une approche de qualite, de creation et d'innovation.

De ces objectifs resulte la creation d’un media, Ombilikal WebRadio, qui, grace a l’adjonction de collectifs et d’operateurs complementaires, permet de repondre a un desir commun de promotion d’un mouvement musical et artistique, le mouvement Jungle/Drum & Bass

Ce mouvement etant riche d'influences et de concretisations artistiques, le but est d'en mediatiser les sources et les evolutions. La web radio vise a representer l'ensemble du "champ musical" que couvre aujourd'hui ce style aux multiples "sub genres", qui sont en perpetuel renouvellement.Dans un souci constant de qualite, et detachee de contraintes d'ordre commercial, Ombilikal souhaite faire connaitre la richesse de ce mouvement aux novices et inciter les junglists avises &a une recherche constante de nouvelles sonorites. L'aspect promotionnel du media web permet egalement de faire s'exprimer de nouveaux talents et d'inciter a l'experimentation et a la diffusion d'expressions musicales meconnues ( Dubstep, grime, broken beat, etc...)

Check :

Check :


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Drum'n'Bass / Breakbeat / Grime / Dubstep / Broken Beat / Electro / Nujazz / Hip Hop / Ragga / Dub / Roots........



Our radio make Tv an Radio LIve Broadcast ! If you're interested to broadcast your party ( or event ) Contact US !111&map=2


My Blog


    ..     - Pour matter dans Winamp : >>>> Pour voir la TV avec Firefox télécharger le plugin > faite le glisser dan...
Posted by Ombilikal Webradio on Sat, 05 May 2007 12:24:00 PST

24.03.07 - COOL SESSION 5 - Live audio & video

..>  SATURDAY 24 MARCH START : 03:00 pm (GMT + 1) Special audio and video session - In Live & Direct ! Audio and Video streaming COOL SESSION #5 Jungle & Drumandbass Nouvelle session ...
Posted by Ombilikal Webradio on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 06:32:00 PST

>>>New website

New ombilikal Website !In beta test yet ! ;-)>>>>>>> To visit =
Posted by Ombilikal Webradio on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 03:53:00 PST


Hi all ! And welcome in the Ombilikal world ! Here some links, to see our projects !  > Free Mix Database > Webradio 24/24  ...
Posted by Ombilikal Webradio on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 09:25:00 PST


Posted by Ombilikal Webradio on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 09:47:00 PST