LOGICIAN [to the Old Gentleman]: Here is an example of a syllogism. The cat has four paws. Isidore and Fricot both have four paws. Therefore Isidore and Fricot are cats.
OLD GENTLEMAN [to the Logician]: My dog has got four paws.
LOGICIAN [to the Old Gentleman]: Then it's a cat.
OLD GENTLEMAN [to the Logician, after deep reflection]: So then logically speaking, my dog must be a cat?
LOGICIAN [to the Old Gentleman]: Logically, yes. But the contrary is also true.
LOGICIAN [to the Old Gentleman]: Another syllogism. All cats die. Socrates is dead. Therefore Socrates is a cat.
OLD GENTLEMAN: And he's got four paws. That's true. I've got a cat named Socrates.
LOGICIAN: There you are, you see