I'm a life long Red Sox fan with a penchant for dive bars, southern writers, Creole cooking, and of course, 'dem blues -- though not necessarily in that order. I also have an on going love affair with porches. And brunch is by far my favorite meal of the week. I also enjoy a game of pool now and again. But I hate Winter. I just can't find a damn thing to like about it. But I adore Chicago style pizza, and I've heard they've got some pretty fine blues player's there. I've spent all but a year of my life in the chilly northeast, but I think I've got a bit of the south in my soul.
In addition to playing occasional solo gigs, I also play in New Pony, a funkified N'awlins style blues band I formed in 2006. You can check us out at www.myspace.com/newponyblues.