The dead one lol....
The old one :(
I'm out of town as much as I can be....I'm kinda a hit the road kinda girl. Traveling is like second nature to me. I love listenin to LOTS of music, watching movies....I'm WAY into photography....which always puts me BEHIND the camera while I'm traveling, but some of the shots I've gotten are pretty awesome. Let's just say I don't carry the pocket size camera anymore, picture quality is horrible. I like spontaneous stuff, snap shots if you will, where you can capture an emotion or an experience and save it in a photograph forever. Even when the emotion, person, place or thing no longer exists you can look back and its captured in the film.
..Anyone!! Especaially people who are out to have a good time and can make me laugh...cuz lets face it boring people suck!! lets just say theres never a dull moment in my life....thanks to everyone I choose to have in it. So if you'd like to be included in the "madness" hit me up and let me know!!!
I listen to everything! Anything that sounds good. Music is my whole life, and I express myself through can always tell what kind of mood I'm in based on whats in my cd player in my car. But Angels in Airways is my all time FAVORITE!!!!!
hmm One word.... DVR, which I must say is a gift from God, I don't know where I would be without that thing!! but really though I'm not home enough to ever watch tv
To many to name, I love to read.