watcKh your B^acK
B^itcKhe'sz wanna fight me??
fucK aw you B^itcKhe'sz that like my man! B^acK tha fucK off B^itcKh! he'sz mine &nd never gonna B^e your'sz. get it through your matha fucKin head B^efore i do it fo' you! im sicK of dealing with aw your B^u shit already. ima fucKin licK people now, cKause im fucKin over this shit already! so B^acK tha fucK off! &nd if you have a proB^lem with this hit me up B^itcKh! cKome on B^e a B^igg fucKin girl B^itcKh! think i fucKin sked, i think NOT B^itcKhe'sz! fucK you &nd stay away from my B^oyfriend &nd if i find out you fucKin trying to get with him, ill fucKin kill you!!!!!