Nick profile picture


Believe me, I can eat a lot

About Me

About me, ok,so I just moved to Helena for work. I used to live in Whitefish which was pretty cool since I love skiing. I recently graduated from U of M, and yes I was born and raised and Bozeman. Go Griz. I just bought a house and spend most of my free time finishing the downstairs. Really exciting, anyway I pretty pumped for summer time and hanging out at the lake doing some 12 oz curls in the sun. It's boring but its part of my life. Anyway I don't really know how to describe myself, so your best off reading the survey. Peace out ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
'06 Adult Survey
What is your name?: Nick
What do people call you?: Nick
Where you named after anyone/anything?: santa
Do people spell/say your name wrong?: Hope not
If you could change your name, what would it be?: Walter
What is your gender?: Man
What is your birthday?: not today
What is your age?: 24
What age do you act?: 22 was a good year so I just went with it
What is your height?: 6'3"
What color are your eyes?: Blue Gray
What is your natural hair color?: Blonde
Do you have any pets? What are thier names?: Rudi, but she really isn't mine. My parents simply bought her to replace me.
Have any piercings?: nope
Have any tattoos?: birthmark, does that count
What is your favorite vacation destination?: South Beach
What do you do to relax?: Video games or drink alone
What do you do on a rainy day?: dance around like an idiot. no just drink alone
What is your biggest pet peeve?: stupid people and old people driving
Are you an advice giver, or seeker?: I'm not very smart so I'd say seeker
What is your dream job?: No job
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?: Fly, but I'd have to be able to go really fast otherwise it wouildn't matter
What makes you instantly mad?: Wind, I hate the wind
What cheers you up when you're sad?: Food and friends
What is the best compliment that you've ever been given?: Your cute
Love and Relationships
Are you single or taken?: single
Would you take your most recent ex back?: no comment
Are you currently in love?: I love lamp
Have you ever been truly in love? How many times?: never
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I don't know but that would be nice
Is it possible to be faithful to one person?: sure
Longest/shortest relationship?: 11 months, week or two
Do you want to get married?: yes
Do you want to have kids?: yes
How many?: 2 or three depending on if the first two turn out ok
Do you believe in divorce?: hope not
Do you believe in true love?: sure
Can true love exist, but the relationship end?: no
Do you consider love a mistake?: Hope not
Do you think the opposite sex finds you attractive?: I think so but I've been wrong before.
Are you a virgin?: that would have saved some embarrassment
Do you believe that people should be in love to have sex?: Not really
What physical feature attracts you to the opposite sex?: Tall is good, in shape is good, nice smile
What personality traits do you like in a partner?: kind and funny
What does the opposite sex find attractive about you?: I might be going out on a limb here but I'm tall ,blonde, good smile. I guess I would say I'm perfect. Sorry Goodman
What traits of yours do they tend to like?: Probably the tall blonde part
What are you looking for in a relationship?: Long lasting
How many true friends do you have?: 6
Who is your best friend?: They're the best of the best
Oldest?: Levi
Newest?: Jeff
Shyest?: Levi
Loudest?: Goodman
Smartest?: Sean
Ditziest?: sorry Jeff
Funniest?: Goodman and Frink together
Best listener?: They're all good
Most fun to party with?: Goodman and Frink again
Who knows the most about you?: Goodman and if he talks he's dead
Who knows the least about you?: Levi
Who do you trust the most?: All
Who do you trust the least?: None otherwise they wouldn't be true friends
Who's your second family?: I sleep on Frinks couch a lot
Who lives the farthest away?: Frink for now
Have you ever
Kissed a stranger?: More then once I have a drinking problem
Screamed so much that you lost your voice?: Go Griz
Laughed so much it was painful?: Ya I went down that hole
Cried so much it was painful?: I don't want to talk about it
Hated your life?: What's to hate
Gone skinny dipping?: Pope shit in the woods
Deep Stuff...
What is your biggest fear?: dying alone
What is your most recent missed memory?: Grandpa Fred
What is your most long-term missed memory?: College, it was good to me
What is your greatest strength?: that would be my upper-dorsamise
What is your greatest weakness?: I kan't spell
What motto do you live by?: Go big or go home or What Would Chuck Norris do?
If your life was a movie, what would it be called?: Dazed and Confused
Do you have any bad habits?: You don't want to know
Are you a fake person?: No, I only act like one.
What is one thing you want to do before you die?: Outerspace would be nice
Do you think you're a good person?: Sure, ask my Mom
Has life been good to you so far?: only getting better
What do you like most about your body?: It allows me to reach things on the top of shelves
What do you like least about your body?: When it falls over because the hands and arms conspire to feed the rest of the body endless amounts of beer, those pranksters
Are you trust-worthy?: I can keep a secret
Are you gullible?: Ya
What did you want to be when you grew up?: Fighter Pilot
What did you end up being?: Costco lifer
Are you happy with your life?: I think I said yes to this question earlier
Is anything missing?: Lots of money
What is your biggest goal for the comming year?: Don't go bankrupt
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My Interests

Skiing, Hiking, anything in the water


Red Hot Chili Peppers, Offspring, Country


Anything funny or with battles


P.T.I., South Park, Las Vegas,


The last book I read was "Ice Berg Hermit" in 6th grade.


Chuck Norris