This is a memorial site dedicated to Carlton Matthew Champion Jr. Many know him by C.J., if you would just post a comment, or story about him, or a message to his family. Thank you very much.
If anyone has any pictures of CJ by himself, or with others, and would like to share, PLEASE DO! *thank you*
Here is some information on the disease he battled with.
C.J. fought a long hard battle with the disease he had. He had C.O.P.D. (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), which is a lung disease, that makes it difficult to breathe. When one has COPD it means that their airways, that they take in and out air, are obstructed, which makes it hard to breathe easily like most people do.
COPD is a slow developing disease, so therefore it may take years before symptoms, like shortness of breath, are noticed, and diagnosed mostly in middle aged or older people.
The most common cause of this disease is cigarette smoking. Most of the people that have the disease are either smokers or former smokers. Also other things that may cause or contribute to COPD is breathing in other kinds of things that irritated the lungs, such as chemicals, dust, and pollution over a long period of time.
COPD is not a contagious disease, you CANNOT catch it from someone else.
In the United States and throughout the world, COPD is the FOURTH LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH. Also, there is no cure COPD because the damage to your lungs and airways CANNOT be reversed!! But there is things that can be done to make one with the disease to feel better and even slow the damage.
(This information is available at the website About COPD )