Elemental International Awarness profile picture

Elemental International Awarness

About Me

Elemental International News began in June 2004 on the Columbia College Chicago campus through Elemental Performance Arts Ensemble and the Student Organization Council. Elemental is in a dedicated search for knowledge. Elemental strives to be an all enclusive organization with broad views. Elemental Is...

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Member Since: 21/06/2006
Band Website: myspace.com/elementalinternational
Band Members: Email thru MySpace or [email protected]
Sounds Like: ---GLOSSARY: TERMS YOU GOTTA KNOW---GENOCIDE- murder of an entire ethnic group: the systematic killing of all the people from a national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do this ---REFUGEE- somebody seeking a safe place: somebody who is seeking or taking refuge, especially from war or persecution, by going to a foreign country ---IMF- International Monetary Fund UN financial agency: a specialized agency of the United Nations that seeks to promote international monetary cooperation and the stabilization of national currencies and help nations resolve balance of payment problems---FBI-investigative arm of U.S. Justice Department: a bureau of the U.S. Department of Justice that deals with matters of national security, interstate crime, and crimes against the government. Full form Federal Bureau of Investigation---UHURU-freedom or independence: freedom or national independence, especially for the people of East Africa [Mid-20th century. From Kiswahili .]---TALIBAN- Islamic movement controlling Afghanistan: a strict Islamic group that took over the government of Afghanistan in 1996 after its militia had gained control of most of the country [Late 20th century. Via Pashto , from Persian , literally students.]---TERRORIST- somebody using violence for political purposes: somebody who uses violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, to intimidate, often for political purposes ---INS-Immigration and Naturalization Service---CIA- U.S. intelligence organization: a U.S. federal bureau responsible for intelligence and counterintelligence activities outside the United States. In conjunction with the FBI, it is also involved in domestic counterintelligence. Full form Central Intelligence Agency ---ATTORNEY GENERAL-countrys chief legal officer: a countrys chief legal officer, and its governments chief legal adviser. In the United States, the attorney general is a member of the Presidents cabinet.---ASSIMILATION-1. act of becoming part of something: the process of becoming part of or more like something greater 2. social sciences integration into group: the process in which one group takes on the cultural and other traits of a larger group---GREEN-politics advocating protection of the environment: supporting or promoting the protection of the environment environment made with little environmental harm: produced in an environmentally and ecologically friendly way, for example, by using renewable resources ---INDEPENDENT-politics not affiliated to political party: not a member, representative, or supporter of any political party ---CONSERVATIONIST-supporter of environmental conservation: somebody who campaigns for, supports, or works toward the preservation, management, and care of the environment, especially of natural resources in the countryside ---LOBBYIST-somebody who lobbies political representatives: somebody who is paid to lobby political representatives on a particular issue ---VEGAN- person who never eats animal products: somebody who does not eat animal products for moral, social, or religious motives. ---GLOBAL WARMING- increase in worlds temperatures: an increase in the worlds temperatures, believed to be caused in part by the greenhouse effect and depletion of the ozone layer---OBESITY- state of being unhealthily overweight: a condition in which somebodys weight is more than 20 percent higher than is recommended for that persons height ---MALNUTRITION-inadequate nutrition: a lack of healthy foods in the diet or an excessive intake of unhealthy foods, leading to physical harm ---BOND-law promise to pay: a document that legally obliges one party to pay money to another law payment securing bail: a sum of money paid to secure the release from prison of somebody awaiting trial, on the condition that the person appears on the date of the trial ---BAIL-security for appearance in court: a sum of money deposited to secure an accused persons temporary release from custody and to guarantee that persons appearance in court at a later date. If the person fails to appear in court on the date set, the money is forfeited.---EXILE-absence from your own country: unwilling absence from your own country or home, whether enforced by a government or court as a punishment, or imposed for political or religious reasons---POLITICAL PRISIONER-somebody imprisoned for political beliefs: somebody who is imprisoned because his or her political actions or beliefs are regarded as unacceptable or subversive ---MIRANDA RIGHTS-legal rights during police questioning: the rights of a person being arrested to remain silent in order to avoid self-incrimination and to have an attorney present during questioning [Late 20th century. Named for Ernesto A. Miranda, plaintiff in the case that led to the ruling.]---MILITANT-aggressive: extremely active in the defense or support of a cause, often in ways that other people find unacceptable ---ETHNIC CLEANSING-violent elimination of an ethnic group: the violent elimination or removal from an area of people attacked because of their ethnic backgrounds, by means of genocide or forced expulsion ---TUTSI-peoples member of central African people: a member of a people living in Rwanda and Burundi, where they are one of the minority ethnic groups.---HUTU-peoples member of a Rwandan and Burundian people: a member of a people who make up the majority of the population of Rwanda and Burundi.---APARTHEID- segregated political system: a political system in South Africa from 1948 to the early 1990s that separated the different peoples living there and gave particular privileges to those of European origin [Mid-20th century. From Afrikaans , literally separateness, from Dutch apart separate, from French .]---COMMUNISM-classless political system: the political theory or system in which all property and wealth is owned in a classless society by all the members of a community---CAPITALISM-free-market system: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit ---EMBARGO-politics order stopping trade: a government restriction or restraint on commerce, especially an order that prohibits trade in a given commodity or with a particular nation ---NATO-international military alliance: an international organization established in 1949 to promote mutual defense and collective security that was the primary Western alliance during the Cold War. Full form North Atlantic Treaty Organization---TAXES-economics money paid to a government: an amount of money levied by a government on its citizens and used to run the government and the country or state ---IRS-Internal Revenue Service U.S. tax agency: the division of the U.S. Department of the Treasury responsible for the collection of income, excise, and other taxes and the enforcement of the tax laws ---CAMP DAVID-presidential retreat in Catoctin Mountain Park, central Maryland, established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942. President Jimmy Carter hosted talks there in 1978 between Menachem Begin and Anwar al-Sadat, the presidents of Israel and Egypt, that led to the historic Camp David Accords, a framework for peace in the Middle East.------SOME DEFINITIONS PROVIDED BY Encarta World English Dictionary ---
Record Label: Mark Mai Words Ink
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Glossary of Terms You Gotta Know

GLOSSARY: TERMS YOU GOTTA KNOWGENOCIDE-     murder of an entire ethnic group: the systematic killing of all the people from a national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do t...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 18:02:00 GMT

Genocide in Darfur AFRICA

We want to challenge you to find ways to help these people. Often we are made to believe that the only way we can help world matters like the crisis in Darfur is to give money. That is an important wa...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 13:30:00 GMT

"Homegrown Terrorists" set sites on Chicago

What do you think about the "Homegrown Terrorists" actions and the issue of profiling? Give a listen to the audio track "Homegrown Terrorist" and check out  CNN.com FOXNews.com email cuvato@foxn...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 16:03:00 GMT

Lt Watada Says No to War

What do you think about what Lt. Ehren Watada has done?Please check the audio track and check out some internet sites to get some more knowledge on this info.Ehren Watada FIRST commissioned US officer...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 20:37:00 GMT