Jake Gyllenhaal (and this meeting would take place in bedroom if you know what I mean...wink, wink), George W. Bush- so I could smack him upside his stupid-ass head, Kathy Griffin- she just hoots me out. Ryan Adams- he could teach me a thing or two about partying like a rock star.I should probably list at least one dead person, too. So I'm going to say Philo Taylor Farnsworth- the inventor of the television which has been an integral part of my life- and most people's lives- since 1927. I would let Philo know that TV has come a long way from the days of silent programs and what not. I'd thank him for shows like "Weeds" and "Sex and the City" and the omnipresent reruns of "The Cosby Show" and "Roseanne." But never in his wildest dreams could Philo have imagined that there would be shows like "Elimidate," "Who Wants to be a Superhero" and of course "Next" on MTV. Progress is a wonderful thing, isn't it?