Lil' Willy profile picture

Lil' Willy

I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

About me? My name's Heather, I go to St. Cloud State University in St. Cloud (thus the name) and I'm studying Art Education. I will probably change that major, but as of right now, I'm not completely sure of what it is that I want to do for the rest of my life and I've always been good at Art so I figured I'd give it a try. I have a boyfriend named Rick, who is a year older than me, and I love him with all of my heart! It will be a year in two months! Yippee! I have a hamster named Legato, that Rick and I bought (Well, he bought him, but I keep him at my House) we consider him our "son" until we're ready to actually have kids...but that's a ways off!!! *finger-crosses* I've got two beautiful nieces named Paige and Camille, and they're darling! Paige is learning how to talk faster than we thought possible, and Cami isn't far behind her, although I might say...Paige was never that much of a sneaky trouble maker! Camille's the sneaky one, and she grabs everything in sight! I have an older sister and a younger brother, and they're both very dear to me *mess with them...I'll killyou*. Anything else? Well, ask if you want to know something...OH I am extremely opinionated, I have always been, but it's gotten worse in the last year or so...beware!


Created by infogenius and taken 173574 times on Bzoink

Name u like sally gwen jessica miller jazzy jack james bartholemew terrance alf gazza
Nickname bibbledumb
How hard it was to get you a nickname: 34%

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A short story about you

Created by shinikami and taken 395892 times on Bzoink

Current time
Current weather
One day, you were walking down the street when you saw to girls making out.
And so you took pictures.
But then, someone ran away with your camera.
And it turned out to be a dream.
So now you are crying.

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My Interests

Being with my Boyfriend, playing video games, writing stories, drawing (whenever I get the chance, and am in the mood) being with my two nieces. I don't watch very much T.V., but when I do that how you spell it? I like watching movies, and my favorite thing is daydreaming...what can I say? I am an idealist!

I'd like to meet:

Do you dare?

Created by inferno and taken 732 times on Bzoink

What are you most afraid of?
Which monster is the scariest? Frankenstein Vampires Werewolves Big Bird Mummies Ghosts Witches Zombies Axe Murderers
Death You will be bitten by a vampire and turn into one yourself

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First and foremost: Linkin Park, I love them, and probably alway will. Their last album took me a bit to start to like, I didn't like it right at first, which is a first for me (in regards to Linkin park) but after some consideration, I'm starting to love it. My favorite song is a tie between "No More Sorrows" and "Hands Held High". After Linkin Park, everything is pretty much a coin toss. There are too many bands, and singers that I admire to even start to name them all here. Good Charlotte, Toby Keith, Nickelback, Rihanna, Eminem, Oh!!! Matchbox 20 would be my second favorite band! I absolutely LOVE Rob Thomas! Okay...I'm done.


In order? Dirty Dancing, Ever After, Se7en, Phantom of the Opera, Pirates of the Caribbean (Any of the Three), Advent Children *You know you're BA when you can break the sound barrier/You know you're BA when you can wield a sword three times the size of your body mass*, again after that it's all free reign. I like Shaun of the Dead, Grandma's Boy, Reno 911! (shocker, I know!), TRANSFORMERS!!! That movie is f**King BAD ASS!!! Intense...


It used to be Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and after that then it was Angel, but since those are no longer being Aired regularly, I survive off of Bones, and House M.D. Fan of American Idol (Lemme explain before you condemn me: The beginning, the Auditions are ridiculously hilarious! I skip the middle part, and watch the tail end when the talent really starts to show) like I stated Earlier, Futurerama, Robot Chicken, Trinity Blood (Adult Swim)


Oh you've done it!!! Anita Blake Novels *Laurell K. Hamilton*, Nora Roberts, J.D. Robb, Keri Arthur, (Note: These are all authors, the books would be a ridiculous number estimatingly *No, that is not a word* ending near five hundred) J. K. Rowling, of course, there's the fanfiction on the web, but I won't name any of those, it really depends on your preference of writer.


I don't think I have one...who knows...

My Blog

Top Ten Songs

My top ten songs that will never get old:1. Dreaming of You - Selena (It has always been my top song)2. She's in love with the boy - Trisha Yearwood3. Smack that - Akon ft. Eminem 4. Forever may not b...
Posted by Lil' Willy on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 07:51:00 PST

Ten Reasons why Romance is better than real life

Christina Dodd's Top ten reasons why Romance is better than Real Life10. When the heroine cries, she always looks beautiful.9. The cowboys never smell like cows.8. The brides never start their periods...
Posted by Lil' Willy on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 11:53:00 PST

A Tribute to People

I don't know where I got the idea to write this but I guess I could say it's because I'm listening to a song that always reminds me of someone, and something--I guess I'll start there:Ride a Horse, Sa...
Posted by Lil' Willy on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 02:02:00 PST

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows review

I shall open this blog with a quote:"I shall expect you and the Slytherins in the Great Hell in twenty minutes, also....If you wish to leave with your students, we shall not stop you. But if you attem...
Posted by Lil' Willy on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:29:00 PST

Words that Speak the Truth: Any FREE American will understand

Linkin Park: Hands Held HighAlbum: Minutes to Midnight (2007) (If You actually want to listen to the song, go to and click listen, type in Linkin Park, then find minutes to midnight, Albu...
Posted by Lil' Willy on Mon, 21 May 2007 01:53:00 PST

Math Class!!!!

I just wanted everyone to know that I fucking passed my math final and I am now going to start the transfer to be a St. Cloud State Student!!!! I worked my ass off this year, especially this last seme...
Posted by Lil' Willy on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:04:00 PST

Sex Facts...Interesting..

SeX FaCtSBody:94% of men lie about their penis size.According to condom manufacturers, only 6% ofmen need to use extra large condoms.2) The average man is 5 inches long when erect(no matter what you h...
Posted by Lil' Willy on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 06:29:00 PST

Book Description: Anita Blake 15: The Harlequin

Anita Blake is about to face the challenge of her life. Into her world-a world already overflowing with power-have come creatures so feared that powerful, centuries-old vampires refuse to mention thei...
Posted by Lil' Willy on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 11:17:00 PST

A true blog...long time no read...

I have hit a rut again in my life, and I thought I was done with those! Foolish thinking, huh? I guess I've been acting naive...oh well, we all do don't we? The last few weeks I've been thinking about...
Posted by Lil' Willy on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 10:19:00 PST

The Sweet Escape

If I could escapeI would, but first of all let me sayI must apologize for acting stank and treating you this wayCause I've been acting like sour milk all on the floorIt's your fault you didn't shut th...
Posted by Lil' Willy on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 02:27:00 PST