About me? My name's Heather, I go to St. Cloud State University in St. Cloud (thus the name) and I'm studying Art Education. I will probably change that major, but as of right now, I'm not completely sure of what it is that I want to do for the rest of my life and I've always been good at Art so I figured I'd give it a try. I have a boyfriend named Rick, who is a year older than me, and I love him with all of my heart! It will be a year in two months! Yippee! I have a hamster named Legato, that Rick and I bought (Well, he bought him, but I keep him at my House) we consider him our "son" until we're ready to actually have kids...but that's a ways off!!! *finger-crosses* I've got two beautiful nieces named Paige and Camille, and they're darling! Paige is learning how to talk faster than we thought possible, and Cami isn't far behind her, although I might say...Paige was never that much of a sneaky trouble maker! Camille's the sneaky one, and she grabs everything in sight! I have an older sister and a younger brother, and they're both very dear to me *mess with them...I'll killyou*. Anything else? Well, ask if you want to know something...OH I am extremely opinionated, I have always been, but it's gotten worse in the last year or so...beware!
Created by infogenius and taken 173574 times on Bzoink
Name u like sally gwen jessica miller jazzy jack james bartholemew terrance alf gazza
Nickname bibbledumb
How hard it was to get you a nickname: 34%
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A short story about you
Created by shinikami and taken 395892 times on Bzoink
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One day, you were walking down the street when you saw to girls making out.
And so you took pictures.
But then, someone ran away with your camera.
And it turned out to be a dream.
So now you are crying.
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