WhOZ yA dAddiE? profile picture

WhOZ yA dAddiE?

HoW U dOin?

About Me

well my name is robbie... i like to play hockey poker(texas hold em) hang out and have a good time you know.. i like to go to bars clubs ect... hemm i go to school... i love to cook.. if there is n e thing else u wanna know jus message me and let me know ill be glad to answer you.

My Interests

WaT I do 4 fUn! ..
-dRiNkiN u Aint on mY lEvEL ;]
-ChIllin wiT mY BOyZ
-giRLz N gIRlZ N gIRlZ DId i saY giRlz
ImMm fReSh To DeAtH!


any thing tha has a good beat and makes sence lol but mostly rap and techno" / Get Your Own Voice Player Manage


gOOd fElLAs ` piRAtEs of tHE cARRiBREAn ` baD bOYs 1&2 ` spiDER mAn 1&2 ` gODfAtHER ` brONx tAlE ` blOW ` maLL ratS ` hALf baKED... aNd MaNy MoRe


Tv ShOwS--fAmIlY GuY...FuTeRoMa... AmErIcAn DaD... SpIdErMaN



My Blog


they say there is someone for everyone so where is the one that belongs with me...
Posted by WhOZ yA dAddiE? on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 02:37:00 PST