hanging out, worship, talking about the Bible, living faith out loud (but not obnoxiously), being real in an unreal world, standing up for what you believe, loving God.
anyone.... pretty much, yeah.. anyone. there is no "type" for this group. The pastor has tats and piercings, and has four kids. So yeah... no "types" we have jocks, preps, the emo kids, punks, the hip-hop crew, you name it... we got it. So we'd pretty much like to meet you. There is only one qualifier... you must be real, as in... authentic. No fronts or fakes... why waste the time? Just be who God has made you to be... or at least start trying to discover it.
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well... there is the Bible, devotionals, relevant magazine, and so much more.... reading is fundamental!!!
do you really have to ask?