*~*Sylvia*~* profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

HEy... wEll wHat d0 y0u wAnt t0 kNow aBout mE?!? i'M a bLonDe wIth bRaiNs... aNd l0viN iT.. i fiNalLy gRaduAted coLleGe in JuNe!!! oHhhHhh bAbI.. i l0ve t0 hAve a g0od tIme aNd hAng wIth mY bUddiEs... l0ve t0 bE cRaZy aNd sTupiD aT tImeS... bUt iT iS aLl g0od bEcuZ iT c0mpliMents mE... l0l. i lIke t0 d0 aLl s0rts oF tHinGs.. i'M pRettY mUch oPen tO aNytHing. iM me @ xDevilsCutie17x...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

hMmmmMmmm... s0meoNe i'D lIke t0 mEet... wEll tHere iS a l0t oF pEopLe i w0uld lIke t0 mEet bUt tHat iS jUst wIshfUl tHinkIng tHere... bUt iF y0u aRe tRyiNg t0 fInd oUt wHat kInd oF gUy i mIght bE iNterEsteD iN aNd wAntiNg t0 mEet wEll tHen tHat iS n0t nEceSsaRy bEcaUse i aLreAdy fOund hIm...s0 i d0 n0t nEed t0 l0ok aNy fUrtHur...

My Blog

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