Well my name is Ryan, and Sequester is the name of my project, or "band" if you will. The goal is to create music that is powerful, heavy, even thrash-like, but at the same time very melodic. There are layered vocals, heavily distorted guitars, harmonized solos, and tom-friendly drumming-- all things that I find appealing in metal.
The subject matter of the songs is usually fantasy or sci-fi related, throwing Sequester's music into the "power metal" genre. But due to some of the lengthy pieces I've written, in addition to my fascination with classical music, it has also been referred to as both symphonic and progressive metal. I suppose we could easily fit into any of these categories, but I believe Sequester stands apart from most other metal out there, and is rather unique in its own way.I have experience with a number of different instruments, but the guitar and vocals have been my focus as of late. Right now, I'm taking a Joint-Majors program in Music and Computer Science at the University of Victoria.
Eternal Sleep single - Free download HERE (In the Media section).
1. Eternal Sleep - 7:37
2. Serenity - 5:06
Thanks for your interest in Sequester!
- Ryan
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