About me. where do I fucking start.
Lets start with, I live in a ramshackle house purchased on a blind love whim by my clinically insane mother in hopes that her new husband will like it more. I am forced to partake in psychotic chores like moping the ceiling, vacuuming the fridge, raking the water in the pond, making the snow look pretty, and everyone's favorite fluffing the grass with bed springs attached by chains to a four wheeler waited down with rocks and hay bails. Along with other back breaking jobs like stacking wood every day, endlessly pounding post holes, endlessly cleaning 24 rugs at a time, and cleaning setting up and babysitting the monstrosity that makes our money. This is called the "facility" and people come to have their drunken shitfaced weddings and important executive parties here. this allows the 13 year old flower girls to giggle outside my widow and plastered lawyers to yak in my back yard. Which I get to clean up. Oh and did I mention I dont get paid. Instead my love is tried to be bought with trips to japan and various other things, though those always get turned around on me with loud banshee screams from my mom when I dont agree with her or if I forgot to stack wood.
I have a dad to I dont see him much because hes a god damned weirdo and did someone say life controlling guilt trips, domineering anger, I know I heard it, oh wait I said that and hes actually like that.
How wonderful it is to be me....
Most likely I dont like you, most likely Ill smile and give you a big warm hug, and make you feel like everything is hunky dory. Really I probably hate you and see that I could use you in some way you might be a valuable asset to my collection of favors, who knows.
If Im mean to you then you are either the following-
What the fuck gives you the right to judge me and my life, what makes you so fucking special. Unless you laid your healing hands on 50 starving aids infested Swahili orphan child solders and brought peace to the waring villages then you can call yourself above everyone else, but you can really go to hell if you didnt, Im sure your life is just as flawed so go suck a rooster.
Im not being hypocritical. I am saying that I am one of those individuals who can see when someone is blatantly ignorant and fake. Let me just say that I could care less about your retarded MTV baby bullshit. I was forced to live away from your land made of sweet smells and chap stick. YOU DISGUST ME, you viles filth, you heartless sheep. You emos, you goths, you sean kids, you preps, you cocks I mean jocks,you wiggers, all of you who say you dont judge people but yet you label yourself in some scrotum lifting subculture that you become proud of. Dress the way you want not the way that you see others dress.And for gods sake there is life beyond yourself!! look around see what else is there other than whats in front of you, knowledge is just there for your taking but you dont seek it, why dont you seek it. How can you not? Its the only truth in the world, there will always be somthign you can aspire to know! Damn it! And drugs don’t help so keep it to yourself.
Naive individuals:
About 80% of the these people come from a religion but Ill talk about that next... There is more to life than your math test, there is more to life than college a job or money. You people make me so depressed that so much good humor, and untouched experience is being or has already been wasted. All that you people ever acomplish in life is to go to school get married get a job have kids grow old and... DIE! To me that's just not worth it sorry.
Religious freaks:
There are some Christians who can be loving, caring nonjudgmental, and who walk the true path that "Jesus" did, and I dont judge you for you beliefs because they are knowing and good. But then there are the rest of you fucking mooks who cannot get it through your tiny brains that one I dont believe in your god, second I am not evil because dont. I will not do what you tell me just because a self contradicting Judaic scrap book of god philosophers called the bible says I should. If god were so high and mighty he would not demand what he does out of that cursed wad of paper.Also If your Buddhist then be Buddhist you cant just try to be same goes for all religions I just say Buddhist cuz you here it 7 times out of 10 when you ask people these days and then they go eat more food than they can fit and cheat and lie. Yeah karma.
People I dont hate and how to recognize them (Arri 101 LOL):
I like you when you show an actual interest in me, when I follow you just to talk with you, if I would consider moving in with you, If your none of the above mentioned XD.
here is my storm of mostly negative thoughts, I refuse to post the positive cuz I figure that if you want to know them you can find me in person.
Oh one more thing I am a yellow asslancing liar and all the above is false XP