In my short years I have learned that some things just are NOT meant to happen.
It's a bitter sweet feeling but I need to learn to be okay with that.
Life is beautiful, yes.
But at the same time it is cruel. It is filled with all kinds of ups and
and backwards turns
and swirls.
Learn to love those unexpected turns.
Because what doesnt kill you,
makes you stronger.
Laugh through all the nonsense
and learn to distinguish between the good,
the bad,
and the plain ugly.
Stop and smell the flowers for goodness sakes!
Ok, things may not always go your way,
simple fact of life.
if you spend all your time obsessing over those things
then youll miss out on your best years of your life.
And time does not forgive.
Once its gone,
oh, its gone.
And theres no getting those times back. plain layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments