Its Curtis,(Definition: The Puertorican/Egyption Version of The Ken Doll "]) Anywho Im Living In Galveston and Working on the Blue Print For the rest of my Life? You can Imagine the Difficulty that comes with the process. Im Gay for those who arnt sure about me "HA" And I LUV My Queers. I also value Education , which IS def an Important Virtue in Society! Also i belive in the Invention of Self and not the Finding Process that Most Inherit from others along the Path of Growing. Insparation is a Beatufull thing and i long for every day to Be Nothing But! I HATE anything Negative (unless absoulutly Nesissary>Trust me There are exceptions))!! Now on to My Beautifullz, the Ones that Give Me Hope for Everyone and Everything In And Involving Humanity! Your Beauty, Compassion, Inevetable Sense of LOVE for Everything is truly the Fuel To My Lovely Evolution, I <3 U MUCHO!! NoTT lol Beauty comes a Dime a dozen but babii you cant just buy glamour anyware, you have to CREATE it, and its not as easy as baking a cake. You gotta add a lil fairy dust, a sprinkle of Bitch and a spoon full of Faboulosity, hmhm good luck MwaHHAnyway if U Dont and Wanna Kno Me Better, Feel Free To Message or Comment, KIsseS Everyone)i(And Remember, Its ALWAYS UR PEROGATIVE!
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