I HAVE A NEW MYSPACE!!! I messed up this one and I cant fix it so, Add my new myspace... NEW PAGE LINK . Then delete this one. As soon as I'm all done with the new one I'll try to add anyone else.Background By Profile Mods
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Name? Rob
Hair? Brown
Eyes? Brown
Height? 5'7"
Hometown? Northbridge
Birthplace? Frammingham
Sign? Aquarious
Left/Right handed? Righty
Heritage? Mixed Breed
Favorite Season? Spring or Summer
Favorite Color? Blue
Favorite Cd? I burn all my CD's
Favorite Movie? Click
Favorite day of the week? Friday
Favorite number? 5
Favorite animals? Dog
What pets do you have? A Dog, Chappy
Favorite car? Anything that runs.
Favorite Sport? Football
What did you wear today? Clothes as usual
Favorite Food? anything
Do you smoke? Yes
Do you drink? Sometimes
Do you do drugs? Not anymore
Do you like your life? I only get one so I try
Favorite fast food? McDonanald's if I have to choose.
What did you eat today? Food
How many piercings do you have? Ears But I never put em in
How many tatoos do you have? None yet
What is your weakness? My girl that is always there for me. A
What is your greatest fear? Going Blind
Where would you most like to travel to? A tropical place
Favorite band/artist? I like everything and that changes daily so?
Do you like indoors or outdoors better? Outdoors but Indoors at night.
What is your favorite pastime? Workin in the garage
Favorite holiday? Christmas
Most missed memory? Heather, School.
Biggest Regret? Anything I havent learned from yet
Ever been in love? Yes
Someone you love? My Girlfriend
Something you hate? Being lied to.
Do you think you are attractive? shir
Do you believe in yourself? Yes
What do you wish you could change about yourself? I wish I didn't think so much
Favorite junk food? all I can get
Favorite t.v. show? Whatever I haven't seen before.
Most important quality in a friend? A real friend will is always honest no matter what
Most important quality in a boy/girl friend? Faithful and honest to you and is your best friend not just a girlfriend.
Do you cry when you watch a sad movie? No
Do you shower everyday? Yes
Do you get along with your parents? Yeah
Do you go to school and/or have a job? I work at UPS
Are you online for more than 2 hours a day Depends
Sox or Yankees? Sox
Coke or pepsi? Coke
coffee or tea? Coffee
Night or day? Night
Raine or shine? Sunny
Sugar or Salt? WTF?
beer or alcohol? Either
cat or dog? Dog
make love or fuck? Make love
chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
ideal job? Architect
favorite ice cream? Mint C.C.
favorite video game? GTA
favorite website? myspace
What one thing do you want the most? The right girl, and eventually have a house and family of my own.
Do you have siblings? A sister
Do you sing? Maybe
Do you dance? yup
Ideal Boy or Girl
hair color? Any
eye color? Blue or Green
height? Shorter than me
weight? Average
style? As long as they're clean
what first attracts you to a person? Personality
are looks the most important quality? No
do you like men and women? Strictly Girls
what about if you were drunk? No Way Still all girls under the influence
would you prefer the person to be rich? No I wanna take care of my girl
do you want someone older or younger than you? Around the same age
What personality trait is most important? They gotta be Honest, funny, Smart, and caring
Final Questions
What is your screen name? SnapOn2ls05
Do you like meeting new people? Yes
What is your best quality? Honesty