playing ball, swimming, hanging out, taking showers,
Whatever you do, DON'T CLICK ON THIS!!!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz:
What type of dog r u?
You're a Greyhound! You're fast and athletic at the beginning of the day, but in the end, you're a couch potato at heart.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
***Moving Line Decorator***
r3pPiN A.Q.
Take the quiz:
Which Jordan Shoe are You?
Air Jordan 7
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz:
What NFL WR are you????? (Sick PIcz)
Chad Johnson
Uses his athleticness to jump and hes got some break away Speed... He can also Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Create your own Catcha10 Quiz
href="" What Basketball Player r u? Better then all the others!fast&furious tokyo drift, dont b a menace,
The Basketball player Survey
Whats your Basketball Name? zay,izzy or beast
Most points scored in one game? 43
Most Ast in a game? 13
Most Rebounds? 26
Most Steals? 4
What college do you want to play for? a good 1
When did you first start playing the game? at 2
Who would you like to play the most? Tracy Mcgrady
Where you rank at in your state?
Where you rank in the Nation?
Your current basketball team? Astoria(AQ) for stacey
Most used move? Flyin lay up
Three point shot or a Mid-Range Jumpshot? Mid Range
Dunk or Layup? Dunk
Whats your basketball number and Y 1 cuz tmac
Who put a basketball in your hands? me
What schools you got looking at you? none yet
Who do you hate to play? Sucky people
Best place to play at? Astoria(AQ)
Worst place to play at? wit a busted rim and floor
Do you feed off the crowd or just play the game? Both
Ever been dunked on? No
Ever dunked on somebody? Yea
What do you do b4 every game? Stretch,thing about how much ima scored
Any special Shirt or Headband you wear while playing? Armband like Tmac
Why do you play the game? Cuz I love da game
Basketball or Pussy? B-ball
Right Hand Shot or Left Hand Shot? Left Hand Shot
Have you ever said I will die for this basketball shit? Yup
bet, maury, mtv, mtv2, hbo, Take the quiz:
What does your birth month reveal about you?
Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless.Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride of oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends .
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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B's SuRvEy
+.AlL aBoUt YoU.+
NaMe: Isaiah
AgE: 15
GeNdEr: Male
GrAdE: 10th
FaVoRiTe NoN~aLcOhOliC dRiNk: Rootbeer
FaVoRiTe AlCoHoLiC dRiNk: none
+.WaTcHa LoOk LiKe.+
HeIgHt: 6'0 or 6'1
WeIgHt: 142
EyE cOlOr: dark brown
HaIr cOlOr: black
PiErCiNgS {iF sO wHeRe}: 1 on my ear
TaTtOo(S): none yet
BrAcEs: no
GlAsSeS oR cOnTaCtS: g's
BeSt ThInG aBoUt YoUr BoDy: abs, height
LeAsT...: iono
+.Do YoU?!?!.+
SmOkE?: no
DrInK?: no
DrUgS?: no
SpEaK mOrE tHeN oNe LaNgUaGe?: yea
SiNg In ThE sHoWeR?: yea
PlAy AnY iNsTrUmEnTs?: no
+.HaVe YoU eVeR???.+
BrOkEn A lAw?: no
GoNe To JaIl?: no
BeEn ArReStEd?: no
PlAyEd StRiP pOkEr?: no
HaD a SuRgErY?: no
MaDe OuT wItH sOmEoNe YoU jUsT mEt?: no
HaD sEx WiTh SoMeOnE yOu JuSt MeT?: no
KiSsEd SoMeOnE oF tHe SaMe SeX?: no
+.WhIcH iS bEtTeR?.+
CoKe Or PePsI?: pepc
SiErRa MiSt oR sPrItE?: sprite
DaY oR NiGhT?: day
SnOw Or RaIn?: snow
InSiDe Or OuTsIdE?: outside
ChOcOlAtE oR vAniLlA?: vanilla
BaTh Or ShOwEr?: shower
BoXeRs Or BrIeFs?: boxers
PaNtIeS oR tHoNgS?: a yo i dont roll like dat
+.Do YoU bElIeVe In?.+
LoVe At FiRsT sIgHt?: it depends
GhOsT?: no
WiTcHeS?: no
MiRaClEs?: yea
GoD?: who doesnt
ThE dEvIl?: no
LuCk?: yea
MaGiC?: yea
+.YoUr FiRsT tImE.+
BoYfRiEnD/GiRlFrIeNd?: pre-k
KiSs?: pre-k
GoT dRuNk?: neva
SmOkEd?: neva
DrOvE a CaR?: i dont rememba
LoOkEd At PoRn?: neva
WeNt oN a DaTe?: iono
+.LaSt TiMe YoU.+
HaD a BoYfRiEnD/GiRlFrIeNd?: 9th
KiSsEd SoMeOne?: yesterday
GoT dRuNk?: neva
SmOkEd?: neva
HaD sEx?: neva
CrYeD?: 4th grade
WeNt To A PaRtY?: 2 weeks ago
+.WhO wAs ThE lAsT pErSoN?.+
WhO cAlLeD yOu?: jamal
YoU cAlLeD?: jessica
HuGgEd?: Frances
KiSsEd?: U kno, shanell
LaUgHeD wItH/At?: jamal
TaLkEd To On .. skylar
ThOuGhT aBoUt?: my motha
MaDe YoU cRy?: iono
WeNt To ThE mOvIeS wItH?: my cuzzo joe
TuRn OnS?: sexy girls
TuRn OfFs?: o d fat girls like 100,000,000 pounds
+.RiGhT nOw.+
TiMe?: 8:47
WeAtHeR?: 85
MuSiC?: yung joc
T.V?: most wanted
WhAt ArE yOu WeArIn?: my b ball shorts
WoRrIeD aBoUt SoMeThInG?: food
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