printmaking, painting, sculpture, okay - art in general..., mail art, robots, the paranormal, disinformation, and disclosure... Check out my website and my LiveJournal - I update it far more than this page.
aliens & interesting sorts...
currently in rotation:
andrew bird - armchair apocrypha
benjy ferree - leaving the nest
vic thrill - circus of enlightenment
nat baldwin - lights out
how to draw a bunny
in the realms of the unreal
the station agent
the life aquatic
napoleon dynomite
lost in translation
true stories
because why
what about bob?
the wild parrots of telegraph hill
50's sci-fi
...mostly documentaries on things of interest...
the daily show
colbert report
ghost hunters
things about science, the paranormal, animals, and whatever i feel like at the moment...
I read miscellaneous things about art, the paranormal, disinformation, disclosure, psychology, philosophy, social philosophy, science, and the relationships between all of these things...
and whoever decided to put marshmallows and rice crispies together.