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Prepare For Glory!

About Me

Which Gerard Butler Character are you best suited to be with?
The Phantom {The Phantom of the Opera} Mysterious and alluring, you can't help but fall in love just as soon as you look into his deep eyes. You care not of his anger, but wish only to sooth his tortured soul.
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Ok, about me. I was born and bred in Rugby, Warwickshire. I have two siblings; Cathy (21) she goes to Liverpool Uni and is studying medicine and my bro Andrew (19) is at Reading Uni studying Film and Theatre.
I am currently at Ashlawn School's 6th form doing human biology, chemistry, history and ICT. It's alright...not superbly brilliant...but tolerable.
I collect autographs from famous people by writing to them or meeting them in person at premieres!! It is really fun at premieres, I've been to 4 so far - being 'King Kong', 'Casanova', 'The Lake House' and 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2'.
I love playing badminton, it's a brilliant sport! I can play it for hours...and that's a fact!! I've played 3 long games in a row before without stopping!
Ok...I have a dog called Indiana...and he's almost 3. He's a cross collie alsatian, and he's great fun!

My Interests music...autographs...general knowledge...ummmm, this is quite vague - but if you know me, you'll know the extent of these interests!!

I'd like to meet:

Dude, I'd like to meet any of the following, and they AREN'T in a particular order!!

Viggo Mortensen (mmm...Aragorn)
Gerard Butler (mmm...Phantom)
Joaquin Phoenix (woop...evil guy from Gladiator!!)
Reese Witherspoon (she's great in 'Walk the Line' and 'Sweet Home Alabama')
Emmy Rossum (fantastic in 'Phantom of the Opera', 'Day After Tomorrow', and 'Poseidon')
Sandra Bullock (I've already met her...but she's so nice!)
George Eads (mmm...Nick Stokes CSI: Crime Scene...)
David Caruso (whoop! Horatio!! CSI:Miami)
Emily Procter (whoop! Calleigh! CSI: Miami)
Eric Bana (mmm...Hector)
Daniel Craig (mmm, mmm, mmm, James Bond...oooh)
Basically...and many many many more!

Name? Steph
Hair? Dark brown
Eyes? Blue
Height? 5'5"
Hometown? Rugby
Birthplace? Rugby, St Cross Hospital
Sign? Cancer
Left/Right handed? Lefty!
Heritage? English through and through
Favorite Season? Spring
Favorite Color? Blue
Favorite Cd? Tim McGraw 'Live Like You Were Dying'
Favorite Movie? 'Speed'
Favorite day of the week? Tuesday - ETC!
Favorite number? 7
Favorite animals? Dogs
What pets do you have? One dog...Indiana
Favorite car? Hummer H2
Favorite Sport? Badminton
What did you wear today? Jeans, fleece, grey top etc
Favorite Food? Pasta
Do you smoke? Nope
Do you drink? Nope
Do you do drugs? Nope
Do you like your life? it
Favorite fast food? Not a fan...but if I had to choose...McD's fries
What did you eat today? Breakfast...Ben and Jerry's ice cream...steak pie, peas.
How many piercings do you have? None
How many tatoos do you have? None
What is your weakness? Bees and wasps
What is your greatest fear? See above.
Where would you most like to travel to? America...
Favorite band/artist? Tim McGraw
Do you like indoors or outdoors better? Outdoors
What is your favorite pastime? Watching films
Favorite holiday? Summer holidays!
Most missed memory? Spending time with my friends.
Biggest Regret? Taking for granted my friends.
Ever been in love? Yeah
Someone you love? Gerard Butler
Something you hate? Bees and wasps
Do you think you are attractive? I think so.
Do you believe in yourself? Yes
What do you wish you could change about yourself? Nothing...I like myself.
Favorite junk food? Ben and Jerry's ice cream 'Phish Food', yum
Favorite t.v. show? CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Miami and New York!
Most important quality in a friend? Loyalty
Most important quality in a boy/girl friend? Love
Do you cry when you watch a sad movie? Yes, all the time
Do you shower everyday? Every other day
Do you get along with your parents? Yes, most of the time
Do you go to school and/or have a job? I do go to school...don't have a job...yet.
Are you online for more than 2 hours a day? Yes...daily
Sox or Yankees? Yankees!
Coke or pepsi? Pepsi
coffee or tea? Tea
Night or day? Night
Raine or shine? Shine
Sugar or Salt? Sugar
beer or alcohol? Alcohol
cat or dog? Dog
chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
ideal job? Forensic investigator
favorite ice cream? Phish Food
favorite video game? CSI
favorite website?
What one thing do you want the most? A happy life
Do you have siblings? Yes, two.
Do you sing? Yes
Do you dance? Yes
Ideal Boy or Girl
hair color? Brown
eye color? Blue
height? 6'+ (can be flexible though)
weight? Anything really...just healthy.
style? Casual
what first attracts you to a person? Smile
are looks the most important quality? It is one quality...but not the most important.
do you like men and women? I like
what about if you were drunk? Hopefully still men.
would you prefer the person to be rich? I wouldn't
do you want someone older or younger than you? Older.
What personality trait is most important? A good sense of humour!
Final Questions
What is your screen name? On msn it is: 'Inman Supporters Unite As One'
Do you like meeting new people? Sometimes...depends what situation.
What is your best quality? Keeping calm in any situation and having fun! (without alcohol!)



I love country music, I've become countrified! My favourite country singer is Tim McGraw, followed by Faith Hill and Dolly Parton. I just love their songs, and they actually mean something unlike most music nowadays. I also love 'The Phantom of the Opera' soundtrack, great music - and Gerry Butler and Emmy Rossum sing beautifully and gracefully.


Where do I start??? Speed, Gladiator, The Lord of the Rings, Shawshank Redemption, 28 Days, The Phantom of the Opera, Pirates of the Caribbean, While You Were Sleeping, The Mask of Zorro, Troy, Dirty Dancing, Hidalgo, The Lake House, Walk the Line, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Poseidon...and probably loads more but it'll just swamp the whole profile!


Okay, I'm pretty sad - every 5.35pm is 'Neighbours' time. No one can watch anything else over 'Neighbours' time, it is just a brilliant show. On Tuesdays and Saturdays is 'CSI' - I love the programmes! 'CSI' is the best show on TV!


I enjoy reading Patricia Cornwell's books, they're full of graphic violence and murder. They're all about finding about who killed who, a bit like a modern day Agatha Christie. However, it can sometimes get a bit psycological too!


My heroes are Sandra Bullock and Kate Winslet - they are very special to me because they have morals which match mine, and they know what they can do and what they can't. I like people that have good morals, which is why these two are my heroes.