height:0px;"HMM.. were can i start... how about when i make choices.... I usaully think about it a whole lot before i do it, now this doesnt mean i will tell what i am always thinkin about because most of the time i could really care less of what u think because u mite just change my mind about it u know. Thats pretty much what happened when i joined the Navy didnt really tell anyone just had been thinkin about it for a few months and i just decided that i would do it u know. Thats how i am with others things too. Like my tattoo on my arm just kinda happened. Hmm i love doddling on paper while i am suppose to be learning something. It helps me stay awake. I like drawing in general, i can dance if u ever see me do it your one of the few lucky people in the world that ever will, dreams and high hopes for myself, and i try to live my own set of morals. Which if u really want to know u can just ask me.
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